Chapter 8

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We were currently being scolded by Byakuya as the sirens faded out.
"That's all. Go," he said coldly. I ran out of his office, dragging Shumai with me. That man was annoying...and cold. More importantly, we had just found out that Rantaro had gotten the pills. I really didn't think that it would be him. Either way, just goes to show that people could do things that you least expect.
"Rantaro," Shuichi muttered.
"Do you think that we should interrogate him? I can do it," I exclaimed, enthusiastically. Right now was not the time to be enthusiastic but it's just my personality. On the bright side, we found out who it was!
"No...not yet," he sighed. I gave him a confused look. Why not now?
"Why?" I questioned.
"It's too soon and plus I have a better idea," he smiled.
"Better? I'm always up for better," I laughed.
"Look, I'll need to get someone on my side but I hope that she will agree," he explained.
"Who?" I asked.
"Uhh. I rather you not know," he insisted.
"Tellll meeee!" I whined. He just shook his head. I huffed and we carried on walking. The sirens had stopped and it was peaceful and quiet.
"Watch your step," he instructed, while we got on the elevator.
"My step?" I looked down.
"Well...due to those two Hope-Lies escaping, you can only expect multiple dead bodies," he explained. I hadn't seen any dead bodies in the time I have been working here. Although, I haven't been working here long. The elevator doors opened and I was preparing to see an awful sight when-
"Huh. I don't see anything," I replied confused.
"You don't?" Shuichi questioned, he then looked ahead.
"Oh," he exclaimed. "Nothing?" We walked out of the elevator.
"Nothing," a voice spoke.
"Gah-" Shuichi yelled. I looked to see a brown pig tailed girl. Maki. I frowned the most frowniest frown I could do.
"Maki, you scared me," Shumai sighed.
"Well, Maki is a very scarrry person," I giggled. Maki shot me her signature death look. Shuichi just sighed.
"Well Kokichi, you're just a purple gremlin," she shot back.
"Well I never!" I exclaimed. "Shuichiiiiii, Maki is bullying meee!"
"Maki, stop being mean. He's far from a purple gremlin," Shuichi smiled.
"He literally just-" Maki started.
"Ya Maki, I'm far from a purple gremlin!" I teased.
"Anyways, Maki we need a favour from you," Shuichi changed the conversation.
"We do?" I questioned. I don't think I ever agreed to this. Was this his 'better' idea?
"We need you to track and follow Rantaro," he explained.
"What?" Maki yelled, clearly taken aback.
"Whattttttt?" I teased, confused.
"Apparently, Rantaro went out of the Corporation's building to the outside world and got theses pills. He put the pills in my drink and this caused me to faint," Shuichi spoke.
"I'm in," Maki stated.
"Well that was fast!" I exclaimed.
"I never really liked Rantaro," she sighed. "I'll follow Rantaro and stalk his every move until the end of the month. I'll let you know if I find anything," she replied nonchalantly and then walked off. I want to do something too! Maki was the Ultimate Assassin so I understand why Shumai would ask her.
"I would've thought that I need to persuade her, but she just agreed," he whispered stunned.
"Is there anything that I could do?" I questioned him. I was the Ultimate Supreme Leader, surely I could do something.
"You've helped me enough and I don't want to bother you anymore," he smiled.
"But I want to help you!" I whined.
"Look, Maki will give us both feedback but for now, we just need to wait."
"Mkay." I sighed. "I think I'll go check on Hoshi."
"Got it, see you later," Shuichi waved.
"Byeeeeee!" I giggled.

I really wanted to help Shumai, but now all I have to do is wait. I'm always waiting. Waiting for my DICE members to return, waiting for something exciting to happen, waiting for the new plans to come in! I'm tired of waiting, but when I need to wait I have to wait.
"Kokichi, are you ok?" Hoshi asked.
"Huh?" I looked around. I had forgotten that I was with Hoshi.
"Yep, I'm fine!" I giggled.
"Okay good," Hoshi replied.
"So, are you used to the sirens?" I asked.
"Yeah, they happen all the time," he sighed. "Due to my teleporting skills, the sirens don't go off."
"I see," I commented. I was still preoccupied on the thought of Shuichi not letting me do anything. Maybe I can follow Rantaro around too? Hmm, it seems risky, but I could do it. Maki might get mad...but who cares!
"You're really thinking about something deeply," he frowned.
"Yep sorry! I'm just thinking about what Hope-Lie I should attend to next," I lied, while giggling.
"Oh I see. I haven't met any of the other Hope-Lies," he sighed.
"No?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Nope." he answered.
"Hey, I'm also thinking about doing this...thing, but I'm afraid that it might go wrong," I said. I wanted to get his opinion.
"You're the Supreme Leader aren't you? I'm sure everything you do will be great. If you're afraid then take me with you," he confirmed.
"What? But you're a kid!" I exclaimed.
"My teleporting skills allow one person to teleport with me. It takes up more of my energy but I'll be able to do it," he confirmed. He pointed at the stars on his arms.
"When the stars are yellow, I have full energy, but when the stars are red I need to sleep. If I do not sleep, I collapse," he replied.
"If you are up to it then sure you can come!" I giggled. Hoshi could really help me out in this situation. I got up and headed to the door.
"I'll tell you the plan tomorrow, oki?" I sang. He nodded and waved, I waved back.

As usual, I burst in to Shuichi's office and yelled, "Shumaiiiii!"
He was so startled that he fell off his chair.
"Oopsy, sorry Shumai," I apologised and helped him up.
"Hahaha, it's fine," he laughed. Then I was reminded of that email that came in when I was locked in his office.
"Hey Shuichi, can I see your emails?" I bluntly requested. He blinked a couple of times.
"Why?" he asked confused.
"When I was in here an email from Rantaro came in. He said to keep me safe or something like that," I explained. I thought back to what exactly the email said:
To: Shuichi Saihara
From: Rantaro Amami
Shuichi are you there? One Hope-Lie from my department has gone. Come here immediately. Also, is Kokichi safe? You do understand why I am asking, don't you? Remember what we-.
Then Maki closed the computer. She clearly knew what was going on with the email. Could we trust her? All the more reason to stalk Rantaro. Shuichi had already opened up his computer and he was on his emails.
"Which one?" he questioned. I looked at the screen and he scrolled up and down. There was nothing there. No email had come in when the sirens were happening. What? I didn't imagine it! Maki was there! She is proof!
"I didn't imagine it! It should be there!" I yelled. Shuichi carried on scrolling down through his emails.
"I don't think you did," Shumai muttered.
"Maybe someone came in here and deleted it?The only person in here was Maki," I announced. I never liked Maki anyway-
"Maki couldn't have done this," he confirmed.
"What, why not?" I questioned.
"Well, in fact no one deleted it from my office, they would have had to hack my computer which only Miu is capable of. You see there is a little sensor on my door, noting me of when someone walks in and out. Maki left straight after you did with Korekiyo," he explained. Wow, a sensor. I wouldn't expect anything less from the Ultimate Detective! Nishishi~.
"Wowwwww! A sensor!" I exclaimed. I ran up to the door to see a tiny green speck. I've seen loads of sensors, but never ones this tiny.
"Yeah, a sensor," he laughed. "But that means someone had hacked my computer," Shuichi shut his computer off. "Best not to use it too much for the time being."
"Agreed," I giggled. I looked up at Shumai's blue and black calendar. It was a Thursday, tomorrow was Friday and then it was Saturdayyyyy! Wahoooo! I've been waiting for Saturday. I've been hanging out with Shumai every day, but Saturday was when I got to do super duper fun stuff with Shumai!
"I see you're excited for Saturday," he giggled.
"Yep! Totes excited," I sang back to him. I was really excited for Saturday.

I had talked to Shumai the whole day and I was heading back to my room. I was totallly gonna follow Rantaro tomorrow with Hoshi. With Hoshi, nothing can go wrong, right? It is an easy mission. Follow Rantaro, see if he does anything suspicious, make Maki mad and then teleport back to my room. The making Maki mad bit was just for my entertainment. I yawned and entered my room. I was really sleepy. I changed into my black pyjamas, brushed my teeth and went to bed.

"He is asleep."
"Are you not going to say anything?"
"You sound like Byakuya."
"Shush. Now I need you to pass me that."
"I'll do it."
"No I want to do it."
"Stop complaining. I'll do it."
"You're still not saying anything."
"You just interrupted them so why do you think they're not saying anything?"
"Whatever, give me that one."
"This one? Are you stupid?"
"Give me it."

My eyes jolted back open and I woke up shaking. Those voices were so quiet, yet I could make out what they were saying. It was a memory. When I heard, 'he's asleep' I thought that it was happening in real life but I don't think so. No it was definitely a memory...but a pitch black one. Well of course it would be pitch black, they were talking about me. I was asleep. Who were they? What did they do to me? Did they even do anything to me? Maybe it was a dream? A dream or a memory. I don't know.
They're ——ng — —-.

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