Chapter 11

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Shuichi and I were walking while eating ice cream. I was having phanta ice cream while he was having vanilla. I have just realised that I like him and I don't know what to do. I can't tell him, not yet at least. It's not like I'm afraid! Leaders of evil organisations aren't afraid of anything. It's just that now is not the time to be confessing feelings. I looked at the shops around me. Although, this is a perfect day to do it. No distractions of any sort. Hmm.
"You are awfully quiet. Something happen?" Shuichi asked, looking at me worryingly.
"Nope all good!" I laughed causally.
"If you say so," he replied.
"Actually there is something on my mind..." I started. Should I tell him? He looked at me curiously.
"I...I...I went spying on Rantaro yesterday!" I giggled. Wait. What did I just say? I stopped giggling and looked at his face. He looked very annoyed. Great, I messed up.
"I told you to not do that," he sighed.
"I found some valuable information though and relax, I run an evil organisation!" I joked.
"What kind of information?" He asked.
"Well something about a package being delayed and the person on the phone seemed to have told him to buy the purple pills. They definitely removed one of your memories as they were talking about it. He was about to explain why but the person cut him off," I explained calmly. Although I was calm, Shumai was not.
"They did remove one of my memories? What if it was an important one? What if I don't ever remember it?" Shuichi panicked.
"Calm down, it will be fine," I reassured him.
He took a deep breath and smiled.
"I'm sure it will be," he replied. I continued to eat my ice cream in silence.
"Do you think that it was an important memory?" I asked, I needed to break the silence. It was killing me.
"Well, it must be important if he was going to remove it," He muttered.
"True," I replied.
"Hey by the way, how did you even get that kind of information?" he chucked.
"Oh! Well Hoshi teleported me to Rantaro's office and we hid in the cupboard-" I laughed before getting cut off.
"You did what?" Shumai yelled.
"That's not all! Maki came in at one point and I scared her. Looks like she was doing some research herself. Oh and by the way, that email did exist and Maki has really nothing to do with it. Rantaro told her that it was specifically made for you to read only and that if anyone else were to read it, stop them," I giggled.
" hid in his cupboard!" He yelled, worried.
"Geez, you're a slow poke, come on Shuichi, I already moved past that point," I teased.
"What if you were caught?" He exclaimed.
"Fat chance, I had Hoshi there-" I started.
"Hoshi was there?" He yelled.
"I already said that! Are you even listening to me!" I yelled back at him. Why is he so shocked?
"Right...sorry. No I heard you," he exhaled.
"Now that you're back to normal, can I have another ice cream?" I smiled.
"Sure," he laughed. "Listen, don't drag Hoshi into this okay? He is a Hope-Lie and must not get entangled in any mess."
"Okay doki," I replied. Shumai is right. Dragging Hoshi into this would be bad as he is technically only just a kid, however, he is really useful. I mean not everyone can teleport! Although, if Shumai says that I'm not allowed to drag him any further then I guess I can't. We started walking over to the ice cream truck so that I could have more ice cream. Sucks though because lunch is coming up and I'm not hungry.

"So while you are eating ice cream, should we head to the bowling alley?" Shumai asked.
"Yep! Prepare to lose," I giggled, he rolled his eyes. "Lead the way!"
"Okay," Shuichi replied and we started walking down to another place in the leader's section which I had not seen. It was a big red shop with colourful lights coming out of it. The shop gave a retro feeling to it which was pretty cool. We walked in and Shuichi bought us tickets. The bowling lanes were polished and glimmering under the flashing lights. The bowling balls were in this container next to us and they ranged from being very light weight to very heavy.
"Okay then, we're all set up. You can go first," Shuichi smiled. I got one of the light-weight bowling balls, considering that I would drop the heavy ones. I got into a position and rolled it. Somehow, I managed to get a strike.
"On your first go even? Well done!" he clapped behind me.
"Of course! If the Supreme Leader can run evil organisations then I can certainly do bowling," I giggled. In truth, I have no idea how I got that. I'm not the best at bowling but I'm decent or decently good. It was Shuichi's go and he managed to get half of them down. After that go, he managed to get the remaining half down.
"Well done. I see you're not that bad at it," I teased.
"Yeah...I thought I was really bad. Last time I played bowling, I barely got any points and nearly managed to hit Rantaro in the face," he sighed.
"How did you manage that?" I gasped.
"Not a clue," he laughed and I laughed with him. Shuichi makes this whole work experience much more enjoyable. I don't want to ruin this. Not for the world and not for my job. The problem is, I like him and if I tell him it might ruin my relationship with him. It most probably will.
"Kokichi, it's your go," Shuichi stated.
"Oh Yep!" I remembered and ran to get another bowling ball. I got into the same boring position and threw the ball. It was a pretty good shot and I had gotten most of them down except for three.
"How are you so good at this?" Shuichi muttered.
"Well before you play bowling, you say a little chant. That way you have good luck on your side," I giggled.
"Really and what chant is that?" Shuichi questioned.
"Ask Korekiyo, he will tell you," I laughed.
"Why are you laughing? Oh...that was a lie, wasn't it?" He sighed.
"Hey, that's my line!" I yelled. "Anyhow, my go."

"Gah, I'm exhausted," I sighed as I had my last go and I got a strike.
"For someone exhausted, you seem to keep getting strikes," Shuichi laughed. Just as I was about to respond, a girl looking angry at Shuichi stormed in.
"Shuichi, you degenerate male! How could you do that?" she yelled. What was she going on about? Who even is she?

They're ——ng to -o-

The Conundrum Corporation |OumasaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora