Chapter 26

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I groaned and opened a cabinet and another cabinet and another. Where is it? Of course she would hide it. I looked at the door. Shuichi was on door duty, just in case someone were to see us and ask us what we are doing. I mean, how was I going to explain my snooping around to them. I sighed, I can't find this box. Maybe, it would be better if Shuichi tried to look for it. I glanced at my boyfriend and yelled his name.
"Shuichi!" I shouted, he didn't turn around. I frowned, is he dead? I shouted once again,
Shu finally turned around and smiled.
"Yes, what do you need?" he asked, I huffed.
"Finally, you heard me," I grumbled. He laughed a little.
"Sorry. It's kinda hard to hear you with these sirens," he replied loudly. I nodded.
"Hey listen, I can't find it," I frowned and looked behind some medicines.
"Why don't we just give up? There's no point," he commented. I shook my head. No way, I don't give up easily.
"Let's swap roles, you can look and I'll be on door duty," I stated and walked over to the door.

"Found it!" Shuichi exclaimed after what felt like ages. I gasped and walked in the room. I looked at Shuichi holding it. I smiled and took it from his hands.
"Where'd you find it?" I questioned him. He pointed at the bin.
"She had put it behind the medical supplies," he explained. Huh. That's the last place I looked. I smiled at Shuichi.
"Thanks Shu," I giggled. "Now, let's see what's in here," I put the box down. I was about to open it, but an aggressive knock on the door interrupted me. I looked at Shuichi. He shrugged and walked over to the door. I pushed the box beside me. What if it's Mikan? Then she'll definitely get mad if she saw the box.
"M-Maki?" Shuichi yelled. I jumped up and Maki pushed Shuichi aside and walked in.
"Shuichi, I thought that you were the Ultimate Detective. The last place it would be is in the medical room," Maki commented. Shuichi looked confused and shocked as to Maki coming to us.
"What were you thinking Maki? Escaping...drastic," I dramatically exclaimed. Maki just grumbled something back. Maki's fists were clenched, as if she was holding something tightly. It could be the key.
"What are you doing here?" Shuichi spoke up finally. I nodded. Maki just folded her arms.
"Well...I was going to go and flee this crazy place, but," she started and then looked at me. "I decided not to...I know, I know, stupid of me but I have my reasons, plus...I need to train the new leader with some fighting skills since they're like...a shrimp," she shrugged. She looked at me and examined the box beside me. She rolled her eyes.
"How come you're so obsessed with that box?" she questioned me. I looked at the box and back at her.
"None of your business," I yelled. She just made a low growl and looked at Shuichi.
"How could you love this thing?" she asked. I gasped. How dare she say that?!
"Have you seen yourself?" I mumbled.
"Kokichi is an amazing person-" Shuichi started only to be cut off.
"Keep telling yourself that," Maki interrupted. She then walked over to me and picked up the box. She twisted it in her hand and put in my own. What is she trying to do here?
"What's so important with this box anyways?" she questioned and sat on the medical bed.
"I want to see this delivery boys picture," I finally gave in, she was going to keep nagging me anyways.
"Oh," Maki whispered and looked at Shuichi. Shuichi just shrugged. I directed my attention back to the box. I knelt down on the floor and picked the lid up slowly. I opened it and, like last time, some pictures came folding out along with all of the other wacky things she put in here. I pulled out all of the pictures and arranged them on the floor. I glanced at Shuichi and Maki, annoyed. Did they just assume that I'd know who he was from the photos?
"Hello? There are hundreds of people in these pictures! Care to help me out?" I annoying asked them. Shuichi quickly snapped out of his daze and rushed to my side. He studied all of the photos and Maki walked over as well.
"All the trouble to just see who he is? Geez, you're eager," Maki sighed. I just glared at her.
"There," Shuichi pointed at a person in the picture. Him?

The boy was short. Yes, very short...maybe similar height to me? I don't know. He looked annoyed in the photo. Very annoyed, like he didn't want to be there. However, it was hard to tell if he was being serious or not with face. He's dressed almost like a gangster in the image. He has dusty blonde crew cut hair and gold eyes. I pointed at him.
"Him?" I questioned Shuichi. He nodded. I opened my mouth to ask a question but someone let out a squeal. I turned my head to see a worried Mikan.
"W-what are you doing here?" she squealed and then looked at all the photos on the floor.
"Th-those are my photos! Wh-why are you looking at them?!" she stuttered. I got up and looked at Shuichi.
"That's our cue to run Shu, get up!" I yelled at him and ran out. Mikan looked at all of us angrily and frowned. Maki just got up and sighed, knowing that she would have to justify herself to Byakuya. I ran down the corridor and suddenly the sirens stopped. I looked around.
"Huh, finally they stopped," I laughed. "That was hurting my ears."
"Same," Shuichi sighed. I looked around, no one was around. Thank goodness.
"Hey you two," Maki called out from behind.
"Yeah," I mumbled. She stood in front of us and played with her hair.
"What am I going to tell Byakuya?" she groaned, I shrugged.
"Not my problem," I insisted. She glared at me and then walked away.
"Wait," Shuichi called out to her. Both Maki and I turned to him, confused. Shuichi put out a thumbs up to her.
"Good luck."

They're lying to you.
Do not tr—- —y—e

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