Season 2: Chapter Three

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"it takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations"


After I recover my situations from my past and my fake death, I was caught up from a post in the internet of a trainee in Seoul debuted really fast because of his really good personality, charisma, and how multi-talented as he is.

Jungkook become an internet breaker for less than a month. A famous solo artist in kpop generation. He become the Seoul's Golden star until now. I am happy that he achieved it. He always want to be on stage.

We finally arrived at the restaurant my dad owned. This is the only restaurant he have in New York and I'm really amazed how dad managed and maintained as one of the most famous restaurant in this city. I hope it'll maintain when I'm the one doing the work.

A waitress congratulated me, the moment I walk inside and saw some waiters/waitress smiled at me. I genuinely smiled back and thanked them. The restaurant is still full of costumers after our page in our website announced that the restaurant will be closing early just for this day.

I walk inside the kitchen and everyone were really focused on their doings.

I take off my beige coat and grab my uniform on my locker located at the staff lockers. I want to help them and maybe do some serving outside the kitchen.

Walking back to the kitchen, everyone is more serious than before. I asked one of the waitress who just got inside the kitchen, "Is there someone important outside?"

"Well surprisingly yes! I think its one of those foreign celebrity from-"

A bell ring interrupted her.

"I'm sorry Ms. Liz, I need to serve this one" She said and grab the plate and walk outside.

I nodded and sigh, rolling my sleeves and did a ponytail on my hair as I start making some orders from the costumers.

Maple salmon, I remember cooking this to my best friend when he visit on my condo.

After awhile, the waitress came back and a smile look on her face.

I chuckles as I continue slicing the salmon and notice her facing me.

She smile and just shrugged it off as she also continues serving every orders.

I tap the bell signalling some waiters/waitress that an order is ready to be serve. I heard that the salmon is for the celebrity outside. So I did a very good job on making it more perfect. I sigh and smile.

Finally a waiter walk in and smiled at me and did a thumbs up on my dish. I chuckled and thanked him, he then walk outside. I walk towards the doors and peek at the circle windows and saw waiters doing good job on their work and I can't see no celebrity.

I tried looking for it but I lost my hopes and start washing my hands when the doors burst open and the waitress from before start walking towards me.

"The celebrity appreciated the maple salmon dish and wanted to meet the chef who made it." She exclaimed excitingly.

I chuckled and nodded, "Okay then"

"where were they?" I asked, the waitress leads me to them and smiled knowing that I was the one who cooked the food.

I walk outside the kitchen as I take off my ponytail and let my blonde hair flow. Walking near the table, the person is on his cellphone with his black bucket hat that covers his face.

I knew it's a guy, with those shoulders. I just can't.

I smiled and stand beside with the waitress on their table with his people. I look back at the kitchen doors and the staff were doing thumbs up on theirs hands, big smiles and stuff that will make you also smile.

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