"luke-thank you for everything"

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chapter thirty: luke—thank you for everything

chapter thirty: luke—thank you for everything

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today i woke up thinking about THIS luke .........

SATURDAY MORNING. I woke up slowly and felt a pleasing sensation on the crown of my head as my eyes fluttered open; Luke was awake and on his phone with his arm wrapped around me as he played with my hair. I slipped into a smiling state and snuggled up into Luke's side as I closed my eyes again.

"Good morning, Jos," Luke whispered before gently pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"G'morning," I responded quietly, which caused Luke to chuckle.

"Would you want to hear some good news first or bad news first?" Luke asked which caused me to frown.

"Why would I want to hear some bad news? What could have possibly happened already?" I asked Luke, with my eyes still closed.

"Those pap photos are everywhere. I don't even remember holding your hand... but I don't know if anyone's going to believe us if we say we're not together from this point on." My eyes shot open and I sat up a little as I took Luke's phone into my hands. He had a tweet of a couple of the photos pulled up and my jaw dropped.

"Luke," I whined before tossing the phone onto his lap and flailing backward.

"Josie—we are literally in a bed together right now. Why should they believe any differently?" I looked at Luke and sighed quietly—of course, we were guilty of some type of relationship, but I didn't want people gaining more proof. "Now, do you want the good news?"

"Oh, I forgot about the good news," I said as I slowly sat back up. "What is it?"

"They just published your article." A huge smile grew on my face and Luke's smile grew as well. "Wanna see it?" I nodded rapidly and Luke laughed quietly as he went to pull it up.

I had nearly forgotten about the article I had written about Luke, but I wasn't any less proud of it.

Luke pulled up Celebration!'s website and handed me the phone before turning to wrap his arms around my waist. He placed his head on my chest as I started to read the article I had written.

An Unexpected Friendship—Thank you, Luke
Joseline Culley

This article is dedicated to a new friend who changed my summer for the better: Luke—thank you for everything.

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