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The following morning, I woke up to the noise of the birds sat on the tree branch outside of the slightly open window as my eyes adjusted to the rising sun. Confused, I was met by a bedroom that wasn't mine. I don't remember ever owning a framed New York Yankees jersey that hung on the wall, or the number of caps that lined along the top of the dresser. A bucket and towel sat beside my side of the bed; I was fearful to look inside as a grimace made its way across my face.

I rubbed at my eyes to rid myself of the sleep, gradually waking up. When I went to sit up, however, I was struck by a surprise. An arm lay draped along my waist when I went to pull the covers back. Following up the arm, I came to find that it was Brian passed out next to me. He was clad in just his t-shirt and boxers; his hair a mess atop of the pillow.

Attempting to move without disturbing him was a fail from start to finish. I raised his hand from on top of me and sat up, letting my bare feet meet with the floorboards. As I stood, the spot where my feet were creaked loudly, making me wince and turn back to check on Brian. He stirred awake, looking up at me through hair-covered eyes; a smile soon playing on his lips.

"Feeling better?" He asked, moving to sit up properly.

"Still a little rough." I answered; the memories of the night before coming back to me.

Looking him up and down, I sighed heavily. "We didn' know...last night, did we?"

"No." Brian laughed. "Not after watching you throw up four times in a row."

"Sorry," I apologised.

"Ah, don't be." Brian dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Everyone's first hangover is turbulent."

I reached for my navy-blue hoodie that had been folded neatly in my pile of clothes and pulled the thick layer over my head, soon returning to the bed and sitting down.

"I have to ask," I started, gaining Brian's attention from his phone. "Why did come you didn't..."

I was struggling how to word the question as Brian sat and waited patiently. "Why me?"

"Why you what?"

"Why did you kiss me of all people?" I questioned, watching him sigh deeply to himself.

"I-I don't know, Sal." He shrugged despondently. "It was just the alcohol."

Looking at him sceptically, I was interrupted by my phone's ringtone filling the silent void within the room. Picking the device up, I accepted the call.

"Where the hell are you?" My mom complained on the other end of the call.

"Didn't I text you last night to say that I was staying over?" I asked.

"Yes, but you said you'd be back by lunchtime." She explained. "It's now two in the afternoon, Sal! I've been worried sick!"

"Sorry, Ma." I apologised, turning to look to Brian. "I got caught up in some things. I'll be home as soon as I can."

"You better be." She warned, hanging up.

I placed my phone back down onto the nightstand, tilting my head to be met by Brian already watching me. "I should probably go."

"I'll give you a ride back." He offered, standing from the bed and throwing on his clothes from last night.

"I can walk." I insisted, gaining nothing but a playful glare in response from the boy.

"Your ass is getting in the car and letting me drive you home." Brian pressed. "Now what's your address?"

I reluctantly accepted and pulled on my coveralls and sneakers, before I followed Brian downstairs and out to his car. Clipping myself in, I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye, but I thought nothing of it.

The drive home was quiet, with only the radio playing aloud between us. I kept my eyes on the window, watching the world blur beside us, before the recognisable scenery of my street came into view. Pulling in to the side of the road, Brian cut the engine as a silence came between us.

"Thanks." I murmured, undoing my seatbelt and looking at him.

I could see that his mind was thinking over something or other. His eyes trailed along the features of my face, just like he had done so the night before. "I guess I'll see you at school then?"

"Sure." Brian smiled, knocking himself out of his daze.

"Thanks for the party and driving me home." I returned the smile as Brian nodded his head curtly.

"It's alright." He responded.

Even though we had said goodbye to each other, I didn't move from my seat; the tension held within the car heavy and daunting. Instead, I watched as Brian unclipped his own seatbelt and cursed under his breath. "Fuck it."

His hands met with the sides of my face as he pulled me in and kissed me again. This time with much more control and feeling behind the gesture. His lips brushed mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I want to pull away before I lost myself but I just couldn't bring myself to do so. My senses had been seduced and I could no longer think straight.

"Sal," He voices in a husky groan between kisses; the letters falling off of the tip of his tongue lusciously.

I smile, my heart fluttering at his tone as I clasp my hands on either side of his face. Never before has my name sounded so sexual; I leaned in for another. Finally, after some time, Brian pulls away and wipes the back of his hand at his mouth, with a satisfied grin plastered across his face.

"I'll see you at school on Monday." I repeat as Brian sits back and watches me leave his car.

Heading for the front door, I turn around in my step to take one last look at him. Brian waves his hand once, soon starting up his car and driving off. A weird fluttering in my stomach occurs when I step inside and close the front door behind me, being greeted by the sound of my mother's voice from upstairs.

I sigh contently. Now I know why I always felt different, now I have a reason, a definition for myself.

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