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By the time that morning came around, I woke up to find myself deserted in the bed. The crease of where Brian had been sleeping still remained visible in the bed sheets, as my eyes adjusted to the morning sun. His clothes had disappeared from the bedroom floor, but his scent still lingered upon the pillow.

Looking around through bleary eyes, I could see a note on my bedside table. Intrigued, I sat up and took the page in my clasp and began reading. It was fast becoming our only way of communicating with each other.

'Thought I'd leave before your mom found us. Last night was great, I think I finally know how you like things to go down in the bedroom, Babe. I have a feeling that you've got a pretty kinky side to you.

I'm writing this as you sleep soundly beside me; you look adorable, might I add. I don't want to leave you, but I know if I don't go now we will get caught. And I don't know about you, but I'm not ready for that yet. I hope you don't hate me for leaving you.

I can't wait to see you again,

Your man.'

My man. Damn, Brian really exudes confidence. I wish I could be the same, but a scrawny, nerdy boy like me would just be crushed by the entire population of the school if I even tried to be cool.

Getting dressed, I made my way downstairs to find my mother in the kitchen as always, eating a plateful of omelette. After pressing a kiss to her cheek, I took a seat opposite her and tucked in to my own breakfast.

"You want to tell me what you were doing last night?" She asked suddenly, making me splutter over a mouthful of cereal.

"Huh?" I choked, looking at her with fear in my eyes.

"Last night." She smiled, easing my fears. "What homework did you manage to finish?"

"Oh, I see," I chuckled. "I was doing biology."

"I heard a clatter pretty late too, was that you?"

"Yeah, sorry, Ma." I apologised, covering up that it was actually Brian falling in through my window. "I was trying to reach my books on the top shelf and a couple fell down on top of me."

I took another spoonful of cereal. "Did the noise wake you?"

"Only for a second." She answered, standing from her place and beginning to clear away her dirtied plate and cutlery. "Are you working today?"

"Yeah," I groaned. "Unfortunately."

I finished up my breakfast and soon made my way over to help my mom clean up, before heading upstairs to shower for work. The sooner I got there, the sooner I'd be back in the comfort of my own home.


I worked at the movie theatre a few blocks away from my house. It was nothing glamorous, but it did give me some of my own money and some that I could give back to my mom after all that she's done for me since I was born. She's always put me first and foremost, and I will forever be grateful to her.

Wiping down the counter after the usual rush before a movie starts, I looked up to the sound of hooting and hollering; my eyes landing on Brian and his crew entering through the front doors. His gaze caught mine at the same time, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hey, you're that kid that threw up at Boss' party, right?" Joey came up to ask me, leaning against the counter and smirking.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes.

Word had gotten around that it was my fault the party ended so early, but to be honest, I don't mind. Even though I don't remember much from that night, it was what brought Brian and I to what we were now...companions, as he liked to put it.

"Boys, leave him alone." Brian defended, shooting me a subtle smirk that made a crimson red flush at my cheeks. "It was his first party, right, Al?"

"Sal." I corrected.

"I know, just playin'." Brian grinned.

Each of them threw down enough money to cover their tickets. "Four tickets to Scream, please."

I printed out their tickets and handed them to Brian, before taking Murr's popcorn order and making him up a bucket. Joey wanted nachos and Jiggy was happy with a hotdog. I turned to Brian, awaiting his food order, as he stared up at the menu above my head, taking his sweet time.

"I'll have a small popcorn, just butter." He smiled.

I nodded and turned to make up his order, listening in on their conversation going on behind me. I couldn't help but let a smile play on my face at Brian's responses. I have no idea how he put up with these idiots.

"Small?" Jiggy asked. "With your fat ass?"

"Hey," Brian defended. "I don't need to be throwing popcorn everywhere during the movie."

"You'll be coming back out here for a refill within ten minutes." Murr predicted.

Taking the money from them, I watched as Joey, Murr and Jiggy all headed for the screen number. "Boss, you comin' or what?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you in there." Brian waved off, furrowing his brows at the dollar bills in his hand. "This fool gave me the wrong change."

He waited for the three of them to make their way into the right screen, before turning to me and grasping his hands at the collar to my vest and pulling me over the top of the counter. Brian kissed me hard, sucking every last breath out of me, soon letting me drop down onto my feet once more.

I was dazed and confused, staring mindlessly at him, snapping back to reality. My eyes focused on his face just in time as Brian shot me a wink and stepped across to the screen door. It was safe to say that I was just a little lost on what had happened between us. We were lucky that no one else was around at the time.

A little while went by. I continued on my normal evening clean-up of the popcorn machine, when I heard a door swing open from across the room. Turning around, I could see Brian making his way up to the counter and throwing his empty bucket of popcorn in front of me.

"Refill please," He grinned as I rolled my eyes at him and took the bucket in my hand.

"You ordered a small just to have an excuse to come back out here, huh?" I smirked as Brian shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"Maybe, maybe not." He toyed. "When does your shift end tonight?"

"Midnight." I answered while scooping up the popcorn.

"Really? On a school night?"

"Oh please," I scoffed, facing him once more and placing the replenished popcorn in front of him. "Like you've never stayed out late with school the following day."

"Eh, yeah, you're right." Brian chuckled.

He looked around, sighing heavily to himself. "I suppose I'd better get back to them."

"You don't sound all too pleased about that." I acknowledge, seeing him lock his eyes onto mine.

"I wish I was with you to be perfectly honest." Brian lamented. "I miss you."

He started to fiddle with the one ripped corner of his bucket. "Did you get my note this morning?"

"I did." I nodded. "Kinky, my ass."

He smirked and arched his eyebrows knowingly. "What makes you think you know that?"

"The way that your hand wrapped around my throat for a moment last night, Babe." Brian whispered to me. "I want to explore that more next time."

"So, there is a next time?" I asked genuinely. "I didn't scare you off with my lack of experience?"

"Not at all." Brian smiled. "If anything, that just makes me want you more."

Brian moved his hand to settle atop of mine. I felt the pad of his thumb brush against my skin. He lowered the tone to his voice. "Meet me at my house tomorrow after school, my parents are out."

I accepted the invitation and watched as Brian headed back into the movie theatre to rejoice with his friends. I could feel my heart racing inside of my chest, my throat dry and breath bated. Brian already had such a hold on me, I dread to think what his plans for the following evening were.

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