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After slipping a note in Brian's locker asking him to meet me behind the sports equipment sheds at lunchtime, I headed for class hoping that he would receive it in time. I had briefly told him that my mom now knew of us and that she wanted to meet him that same evening. The lesson dragged on and on; my eyes continuously glued to the clock on the wall watching the seconds tick by.

Finally, the bell rang for lunch. I threw my backpack strap over my shoulder and paced out to the meeting place. Keeping my head down, I pushed and shoved my way through the crowds of students in the hallways and eventually made it outside.

Crossing the field, I had my eyes on the sports equipment shed, but no one else seemed to be there yet. I was hoping that Brian knew that I was going to be waiting for him there all of lunchtime. Still, at least eating outside was better than my usual place in the bathroom stall.

Twenty minutes went by and I was starting to worry that he wasn't going to show up. I was just about ready to pack up and head back inside when I heard the call of my name from not too far away. Well, I say my name, it was more of a nickname.

"What are you waiting for, Pussy?" Jiggy snickered, heading his way over to me with Joey and Murr following after him.

"Nothing." I shrugged. "Just wanted to eat my lunch outside today."

"Psht," Murr scoffed, shaking his head. "Yeah, right."

"Probably waiting for lover boy." Joey snarled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I worried.

"Boss, you wanna explain to your little fuckface here?" Murr called him over and as I looked over his shoulder, I could see Brian making his way over to me.

But something didn't feel right. He was off with me from start to finish; a scowl etched across his face. Murr jeered. "We saw your little note to him."

"I knew you were a weirdo, Pussy, but not a homo." Joey insulted, pressing his hands flat against my chest and shoving me hard into the wall behind me.

"My mom wants to meet you," Jiggy read out as the three of them laughed together at me. "Telling her I'm gay went great!"

"Hey!" I shouted, trying to fight against them as all three pinned me back against the wall. "Brian, aren't you going to do something?!"

"His name's Q," Joey corrected. "God, I really can't take this poindexter sometimes."

"I don't know what kind of fucked up dreams you've been having but Boss ain't gay." Jiggy pointed out. Little did he know. "So quit living out your fantasy for fucking the popular guy."

"Boys." Brian warned as they immediately took a step back to let him through. "Let me handle this."

"Yes, Boss." Murr concurred, practically bowing to him.

I watched on with fear in my eyes and a shudder shooting through me as Brian's hand grabbed a fistful of the material of my shirt and pressed me back against the wall. The look in his eyes was threatening and not the Brian that I had grown to adore.

Swallowing hard, I could feel his restraint tighten. My body began to shake and tears started to form; my breath shallowed. I was beyond scared by this point. I had no idea what I had done wrong. Brian lifted me up by my shirt and pinned me to the wall, my feet dangling just above the concrete floor.

Just as I felt like things couldn't get any worse for me, I could hear an uproar of laughter come from his minions. Jiggy was in tears, Joey was barely able to stand up straight from laughing and Murr was practically on the floor.

"Nice boner, Pussy!" Jiggy snorted.

Yes, I have to admit that seeing Brian being so dominant had its effect on me. Maybe what he had said was right, maybe I was a little kinky. My jeans were growing tighter around my crotch. Brian flitted his eyes down to the bulge; I could have sworn that I saw hints of a smirk momentarily across his face.

I sniffled, trying my best to refrain from crying in front of them as Brian leaned in closer to whisper into my ear. His breath felt warm against the goose bumps that covered my neck, making the hairs stand on end.

"I'm sorry for this." He apologised in a tone barely loud enough for me to hear him.

I whimpered out when I felt his hand cup the evident hard on in my pants for a split second, before Brian let me fall back down onto my feet. I collapsed down onto the ground with a thud. "C'mon, boys, let's go."

I cowered when I saw Joey's foot come flying into my stomach, heaving out a heavy breath as his shoe collided with my ribcage. Murr spat at me one last time; the saliva landing on my dust covered cheek as Jiggy snickered at me.

Managing to pull myself up from the ground, I brushed myself off and headed to the one place where I knew I could be alone. Slamming the bathroom stall door behind me, I sat down and sobbed to myself. I was confused; Brian came across so enraged but he was apologising seconds later. Why was he so scared to be honest, why would everyone knowing about us be so bad for him?

My cries echoed about the empty bathroom, when I heard the door swing open. I choked back the rest of my sadness, before hearing the soft tones of my boyfriend...well, I hope this meant that he was still my boyfriend.

"Babe?" He called out, my eyes falling onto the shadow of his figure through the gap under the stall door.

I didn't respond to him. Brian's shoes soon came into view. "I know you're in here."

"What do you want?" I huffed, hearing a heavy sigh from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry." Brian apologised again, making me scoff irritably.

"Tell that to the bruises." I retorted.

"Come out of there and let me see your face, Babe." He coaxed, somehow making me even consider the idea. "I want to kiss you."

"No, you don't." I lamented. "What if your boys find out?"

"They won't." Brian assured. "They got called to detention for spray-painting the wall."

I sighed to myself, deciding to give him a minute to explain himself. I could hear Brian take a step back as I approached the stall door and pulled at the latch, unlocking it. Opening the door, my eyes fell onto the guilt-ridden features of my boyfriend; he was stood there waiting with open arms. "Cuddle?"

I went crashing into his embrace, burying my face into his chest as the tears fell freely, wetting at his shirt. My whole body was shaking with sadness, feeling numb from head to toe as Brian shushed me gently. His hand ran up and down the small of my back as kisses were dotted to my temple.

"Hey, hey," He soothed. "Come on, Babe. I said I was sorry."

"I know," I sniffled, pulling away to look at him. "But why'd you do it?"

"I had to." He frowned. "Sal, they knew that something was up. They saw me smiling at your note and snatched it out of my hand. I was berated and mocked until I could convince them that it wasn't true."

"And make me look fucking crazy?!" I fumed. "Fuck you!"

It was my turn to be the aggressive one as I shoved him back a step. "How could you do that to me?!"

"Sal, calm down!" Brian argued. "Just let me explain!"

"You've explained enough!" I yelled at him.

"Babe," He sighed.

"No." I frowned. "Fuck you, Brian."

He dropped his head, giving up the fight as I stormed out and left him to it. I wasn't going to be the one to look fucking crazy just so that he could continue to be the bigshot of the school. I wasn't going to let Brian use me like that, especially when I thought that he cared for me.

I skipped the rest of the school day, knowing that both my classes had him in there, and in that moment, I didn't want to see his stupid face. He made my blood boil and I knew that if I had to spend any more time with Brian, I wasn't going to be responsible for my actions. My own damn boyfriend is ashamed of me. That must be love, huh?

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