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Brian and I were clad in just our shirts and boxers cuddled on my bed; he was the big spoon as usual with his fingers tracing light circles along my forearm. He peppered kisses to my cheek every so often, showing his gentle side. The side that I adored.

Through my open bedroom door, I could hear the closing of the front door, before my mom's voice called up the stairs to inform me that she was home. The afternoon had been such a rush that I had completely forgotten that Brian was supposed to meet her that evening.

Jumping up from the bed, Brian and I chucked on our pants, fixed our hair, covered the hickeys and headed down the stairs. We reached the bottom step, greeting my mom in the hallway. Brian's nerves got the better of him as his hand reached for mine and held it tightly.

"Hey, Ma." I smiled, making her turn to us.

Her eyes lit up in a way that I had only ever seen when she was proud of me, a smile that I loved to see her wear across her face. "This is Brian, my...boyfriend."

Man, it felt good to finally say that out loud as I felt Brian squeeze my palm momentarily before letting go. He stepped forward, holding his hand out to my mom. She dismissed him with a wave of her hand, soon opening her arms up and pulling him into a hug.

"It's so good to finally meet you!" She exclaimed, breaking away to look at his face closely. "You have a beautiful smile, Brian."

"Thank you, Ms Vulcano." He appreciated. "It's good to meet the woman who raised a fine young man."

Turning back to look at me, Brian smirked, knowing he was going to make a wild blush smother my cheeks. He was such a charmer and he damn well knew it. "He's made me very happy."

"As have you made my Sal happy." My mom returned, gesturing into the living room. "Please, have a seat. What do you boys want for dinner?"

"I think this is a cause for something special..." I added my input. "Takeout?"

"What a good idea!" Mom praised. "Pizza or Chinese?"

"Pizza." Brian and I answered simultaneously, turning to look at each other before laughing.

Pulling out his wallet, Brian fished out a fresh twenty-dollar bill. "Please, Ms Vulcano, let me pay for my share."

"Oh, don't be silly!" She waved off. "You're here as our guest and you've made my Sal so happy, it's the least we could do."

My mom made her way into the kitchen to make the call for the order as I leaned closer to Brian and whispered to him to make sure that she didn't hear me. My mom wouldn't be too impressed if I still took money from a house guest but I knew how much Brian wanted to pay his way.

"Just leave it on the table when you leave, she can't return it if you're not here." I told him, hearing his soft chuckle in response.

"Thanks, Babe." He placed his hand to my chin, bringing me into a quick kiss.

As we broke away, we could hear the footsteps of Mom returning from the kitchen. Pulling further apart, Brian and I watched as she returned and sat opposite us, a bright smile across her face.

"So, Brian," She started, catching his attention. "Tell me a little about yourself, how'd you meet?"

"Well," He considered. "I'm eighteen, hoping to go to college to study accounting after graduation."

His hand settled at my knee. "Sal and I have known each other since freshman year, but we didn't really talk until my party a few months ago."

"Do your parents know about you two?" Mom asked, making me facepalm out of embarrassment.

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