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The following Monday, I was minding my own business at my locker, stacking my unneeded books into a pile, when I felt a tap at my shoulder. Turning to the owner of the hand, I was startled to find Brian, Jiggy, Joey and a sheepish Murr surrounding me. Brian must have picked up on the immediate fear in my eyes.

"Relax, Vulcano." Brian smirked. "We're not going to hurt you this time."

"Oh," I smiled awkwardly. "Great."

"Yeah, Boss said he'd knock us out if we did." Jiggy complained. "You got lucky this time, Punk."

"Actually, guys," Brian interrupted. "I want Vulcano to join us."

Raising my gaze from my feet, I looked my boyfriend, sorry...secret boyfriend, in the eyes and felt a slight blush at my cheeks from his warming smile. Jiggy and Joey snapped their heads towards their leader; the look of horror across their faces.

"This dork?!" Joey groaned. "Really?"

"Yes." Brian insisted. "Does anyone have a problem with that?"

"No, Boss." All three of them answered. I had noticed that Murr couldn't even look at me and wasn't saying a single word to his fellow crew members.

"Good." Brian smiled, patting a hand to my shoulder. "See you at lunchtime, Vulcano."

He turned and guided them down the hallway, though Joey couldn't help but shove my shoulder into the lockers behind me one last time. I barely had time to come to terms with what was happening when the school bell rang out to signal that class was starting. I gathered my things and walked to my first class of the day.

As lunchtime came about, I was feeling a little apprehensive about meeting with the toughest crew in the entire school. I had gone from a nobody to being able to sit at the table that every other guy here wants to join and every girl wants to sleep with.

Entering the lunch hall, I scanned the cafeteria, soon picking up on Brian's letterman jacket. The closer I made it to their table, the louder and more rambunctious the boys were. Clearing my throat, all eyes turned on me, only Brian's orbs seeming to light up when he saw me.

"Hey, Man," He greeted, scooting across the bench and indicating for me to sit down next to him. "Glad you decided to join us."

"Thank you for inviting me." I looked at him, studying the special glint in his eyes that he only held for me.

"I want you guys to accept Vulcano." Brian instructed. "He's cool."

"Yeah, right," Jiggy scoffed, being elbowed by Joey.

"Dude, you heard him." He reminded. "Give the guy a chance."

"Since when did you get so soft?"

"I didn't." Joey defended. "But I trust Boss' instincts."

"Whatever," Jiggy rolled his eyes and turned away.

"So, Homo," Joey turned his attention onto me, folding his arms atop of the table.

"Don't call me Homo." I frowned.

"Okay, Homo," He somewhat agreed. "What's your favourite sport?"

"Er..." I stalled. "I don't really like sports."

"Really?" Joey glared at Brian. "You pick the guy who hates sports out of this whole entire school?"

"Shut up, Joey." Brian scowled. "I told you to give him a chance."

He slammed his hand on the surface of the table. "Don't make me do the same to you as what I did to Murr."

"So that's why he's covered in bruises." Jiggy sneered. "What'd you do this time, Ferret?"

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