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After texting my mom to say that I would be staying the night around Brian's, I followed him up to his bedroom. He had a pile of homework sat atop of his desk; the entire surface disorganised and out of place.

"Isn't that due tomorrow?" I asked, picking up the history paper and turning to him.

"Probably." Brian shrugged carelessly.

"Then why haven't you finished it?" I continued to question, receiving a despondent sigh in response from my boyfriend. Yes, I am making the most of getting to call Brian that.

"Forgot about it." He answered, still not all that bothered.

"Isn't Mrs Weasley fed up of you never doing your homework?"

"I didn't realise that we were playing 20 Questions right now, Babe." Brian commented, looking at me with slight annoyance. "So what if I haven't done it? It's not like I'm going to pass school anyway."

"I'm just saying." It was my turn to shrug now. "I can help you if you want."

"Really?" Brian asked after pondering over my offer for some time. "I mean, I'll pay you if you want me to."

"Babe," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I'm not going to tutor you for the money. I want to help you do this on your own."

I watched as Brian took a seat at his desk; I pulled a chair up beside him. "It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it."

Helping Brian through majority of the pile of homework that had built up over the past week, it was soon late and we had school the following morning. He placed his books into his backpack, looking up at me from his knelt position on the floor.

"Thank you," Brian smiled.

"You don't need to thank me; all I did was get you on the right track." I humbled. "You had it in you all along."

Brian stepped closer and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. His lips graced mine as my eyes slipped shut at the gesture. My fingers curled their way around the back of his neck, tightening the connection between us, soon feeling Brian moan into the kiss.

His hands scaled up my back and soon found their way into my hair. Every time that his teeth sank down into my lower lip, I felt his fingers wrap around a fistful of hair and pull firmly. A small, involuntary whine escaped me every time that he repeated the action. He tasted sweet and there was nothing more that I craved than to let things progress further.

But we couldn't.

It was getting late and I knew that the longer we both stayed up, the more likely we would oversleep in the morning and be late for school. If Brian and I were to both arrive at the same time after school had started, suspicions would be sure to start to form.

Breaking away reluctantly, my eyes fell onto the clock hanging on the wall, seeing that it was well past midnight. "We should get some sleep."

"Right." He smiled; though his eyes seemed lost in a trance.

Gesturing to the bathroom door that joined his bedroom, Brian watched me. "You know where the bathroom is."

"Sorry about leaving it a mess last time." I grimaced. "That hangover was...something."

"Don't worry about it," Brian chuckled. "I've left it in a much worse state after one of my parties."

I pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek before making my way into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I undressed down to my boxers, folding my clothes and leaving them in a pile atop of the counter. Looking into the mirror, I studied myself as my gaze travelled down my neck, watching the bruises and hickeys in close detail. Running my fingertips across the marks, I could still feel the touch of Brian lingering against my skin, remembering the feel of his lips assaulting the tender flesh.

"Are you decent?" Brian asked, knocking at the door.

He didn't wait for me to answer before stepping in. He, too, had undressed down to his boxers, his hair tousled in such a way that made him even more handsome. His eyes fell onto the infliction that he had left; a confident smirk soon playing on his lips. "Does it hurt?"

"No." I assured.

I turned back to the mirror, watching in the reflection as Brian came up behind me, soon wrapping his arms low around my waist and pressing his chest to my back. His grip around me was secure as he buried his face into the curve of my neck; his soft whispers tickling at my skin.

"Good." Brian replied in hushed tones. "So, you won't mind if I leave more?"

His kisses tickled me slightly as I cowered out of his reach. Brian wasn't going to let me escape that easily though, tugging me back into his arms and finishing what he had started, soon mumbling tiredly against my collarbone. "C'mon, it's late."

He took me by the hand and guided me back through the doorway to his bed. Pulling back the comforter, Brian signalled for me to climb in. I did as he had requested; thinking that he would head round to the other side, but instead I was startled by the feel of his hand patting at my butt.

"Scoot over a bit." Brian laughed, soon joining me under the warmth of the covers, immediately bringing his arm to drape along my waist and spooning with me.

It was silent between us and I could have sworn that Brian inhaled a whiff of the smell of my hair. His embrace formed a protective layer between the world and I; it was warm and comforting to snuggle up into his arms like that.

"Goodnight, Brian." I whispered, feeling him squeeze momentarily, before a kiss was placed to my jaw just below my ear.

"Goodnight, Babe." He returned in a husky tone.

I stayed awake for a little while longer, looking out through the window at the night sky; the moon was glowing amid the darkness, a contented sigh falling through my lips. I could soon hear the heavy breathing coming from Brian behind me; he had fallen asleep pretty quickly. The steady rhythm was relaxing to listen to and soon enough, I had joined him in the world of sleep.

Everything was going great, until I woke to an urgent tapping at my shoulder. "Sal, wake up!"

I opened my eyes, groaning out as they focused on Brian's panicked face. "Are you okay?"

"Me?" I confused. "You're the one who is panicking."

"Because you started thrashing in your sleep..." Brian explained. "I think you were having some sort of night terror."

"Oh," I considered. "Maybe...sorry for waking you."

"Don't be sorry," He laughed softly. "As long as you're okay."

"I'm fine." I clarified.

"Good." Brian smiled, pecking a kiss to my lips and settling back down beside me.

It didn't take very long for either of us to get back to sleep again, considering the fact that it was almost four in the morning by that point. Soon enough, I had passed out once again enclosed within Brian's arms as held onto me securely.

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