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He moved in for a kiss and I felt the graze of his lips against my neck – a gesture that would have normally sent my head spinning only made me sick to the very pit of my stomach. Shoving Brian back, I glared at him with bated breath.

"This is wrong," I breathed as he stared to the floor, unable to bring himself to look at me. "What if you're doing this just to use me?"

"I would never!" Brian argued, looking at me. "Sal, you just have to understand that this is all new to me too!"

He ran a hand through his hair. "I guess I just want to experiment...with you."

"So, I'm just like a test subject to you?"

"No!" He insisted. "That's not what I meant!"

"Then why say that?" I groaned.

"Because...because..." Brian struggled to form a coherent sentence. "I want you to be my first!"

"First?" I questioned, puzzled. "What do you mean by that?"

"I want you to be my first...boy experience." He explained further.

I looked at him, sighing heavily. "Please?"

"I-I don't know," I stumbled. "What if this gets out?"

"Then we break it off before too many find out." Brian suggested simply.

"So, I'd be like your boyfriend then?"

"We can work up to that." Brian acknowledged. "For now, we can just be companions."

"Okay." I agreed. "And as your companion, what are the limits?"

"You're the one who's lacking in experience, we can take things at your pace." He shrugged.

"I like the kisses." I grinned, seeing the smirk begin to pull at his lips. "And cuddles."

"Would you be ready for something a little further?" Brian asked hopefully.

"How much further?"

"I don't know...maybe a little touching," He insinuated, arching a brow and checking on me. "How would you feel, you know."

"No, I don't know." I chuckled softly. I had never seen Brian this nervous before.

"Not sex, but," He choked out. "A blowjob maybe?"

"You mean..." I intoned, reaching my hands for the belt around his waist, tugging the leather through the loops and unbuckling the strap.

I knelt down before him, gripping onto the zipper to his jeans and pulling down. Pushing the denim down to his mid-thigh, my gaze studied the plaid boxer shorts, before looking up to find Brian watching over me. "Like this?"

My right hand slipped under the cotton material as the other curled around his thigh to keep myself steady. Wrapping a fist around his shaft, I touched over him softly when Brian shuddered out a breath in anticipation. He threw his head back against the stall wall as I pulled his boxers down far enough and my lips enclosed around his tip.

Sure, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I hadn't even kissed anyone until the other night. But I just rolled with what felt right. I thought about what I would like someone to do to me and guessed that the same would work on Brian. And sure enough, it did.

With each stroke, I took more of him in my mouth. I felt his hand move into my hair and tug hard at a fistful. The roughness of his touch forced a whine out of me, which only stimulated more of a response from the boy.

My hand tended to the rest of him, fitting into a rhythm that Brian seemed to enjoy. Circling my tongue around the tip every chance that I could, I knew that this wasn't going to last much longer. I had to embrace the short time that we had together before someone was bound to come looking for us.

Brian was cursing under his breath. I brought him closer and closer to his release; every touch ignited something in him as he bit down on his lower lip to silence himself. I could feel his hips begin to move in sync with me, pushing and pulling himself passed my lips effortlessly.

"Where do you want me to—" Brian panted, swallowing hard. "—to come?"

I looked up at him; there were only two options right now. I either stop and let him sort himself out or it goes down my throat. He could see the alarm in my eyes, knowing that I wasn't quite ready for the latter and took it upon himself to pull out.

I wiped my hand at my mouth as Brian sorted himself out. He had his back to me as I stood up once more and brushed myself off. Turning back to me after cleaning himself up and tucking himself back into his boxers, Brian smiled and leaned in to press a kiss to my lips.

He paused momentarily and licked his lips. "So that's what my dick tastes of."

"Ew," I chuckled.

"Don't 'ew' me," Brian smirked. "You were the one who just had it in your mouth."

"How did you do that so quietly?" I asked as Brian raised his head from doing his belt back up.

"What? Come?" He laughed.


"It's not my first time fucking in the school bathroom, Sal." Brian explained cockily. "You remember when those girls came here for two weeks while their school was having some repairs done?"

"A little bit," I shrugged.

"Well, let's just say that I had more than one of them right where you're standing." Brian smirked. "And they were loud."

He chuckled to himself, picturing the memory. "I had to cover her mouth just to stop her from screaming my name."

"What's it like?" I questioned, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks in embarrassment; the curiosity had gotten the best of me.

"What, pussy?" He breathed out hard. "Fucking great. You'd be surprised how many of them like it rough, too."

"So, why the sudden change?"

"I told you," He smiled, taking my hand in his and stepping closer. "I want to explore. I want to experiment with you."

Pressing a kiss to my lips, Brian pulled away much to my dismay. "I'll see you soon."

Confused by what he meant, I watched as Brian made his way out of the bathroom, leaving me to myself. I could feel my heart fluttering in my chest as I took a moment to compose myself and think about what had just happened between us.

I had just given the most popular guy in school head without any experience beforehand and he...he liked it?

Collecting my backpack, I made my way out and returned to class, praying that questions were not going to be fired my way on why I took so long in the nurse's office. Hopefully, Brian would stick to his word and not tell a soul about whatever this was between us.

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