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Monday morning arrived, after a rushed weekend, as I did my usual and got myself dressed and grabbed my school bag, heading downstairs for breakfast. There was an extra spring in my step when I saw my mom sat where she always was and entered into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ma." I smiled at her, seeing the slight confusion behind her gaze.

"Someone's chirpy for a Monday," She laughed softly as I simply shrugged and leaned down to kiss at her cheek.

"Too much of a lovely, sunny day to waste it." I expressed contently, filling a bowl with cereal and stepping over to the refrigerator for the milk.

"Are you okay?" She asked, furrowing her brows at me as I nodded my head in response.

"Couldn't be better, Ma." I replied, soon joining her at the table.

Noticing the time displayed on the microwave, I could see that I was going to be late for school. I shovelled the remaining few Lucky Charms at the bottom of my bowl into my mouth. Standing up, I placed the bowl and spoon into the sink with a clatter. "Sorry, Ma."

"Just get to school," She shook her head, smiling.

"Love you," I bade, throwing my backpack over my shoulders and snatching my car keys from the table.

"Love you, too...have a good day." I could hear her respond on my way out of the front door and down to my car.

Once at school, I was going about my normal Monday morning, heading straight for my locker. For the first time, I was taking in the people around me; some just as they were at Brian's party, others back to their usual model-student selves.

I put in my code and pulled open the door to my locker, unpacking the books I wouldn't be needing until after lunch. In the slight reflection of the metal, I double checked my hair and proceeded to close the door.

At that same time, I was startled by a slam of a hand at the locker beside mine, before I was span around and pressed up against the row. Brian's hands were wrapped around my wrists as he glared at me.

"What's going on?" I asked shakenly when his crew crowded round him.

"I should ask you the same thing, Punk." Brian spat, making me flinch harder.

"Boss says you've been going 'round saying how shit his party was." Joey accused.

"I haven't!" I protested, feeling Brian's grip around my wrists tighten.

"Brian throws the best parties!" Murr shouted. "You should know that!"

Turning back, Brian scowled at the boy. "Murr, what have I told you, Man?"

"Sorry, Boss." He apologised, taking a step back sheepishly.

"You better watch it, Pussy!" Jiggy sneered, pounding his fist into the palm of his hand. "Or you'll have us to answer to."

"I don't know what you're on about!" I argued. "I don't talk to anyone here!"

"You're lucky that I'm giving you a second chance," Brian commented in spite.

It was safe to say that I was lost on why he was acting this way towards me, especially after all that had happened between us over the weekend.

He broke away, taking one last moment to slam his hands at my chest, making me bang my head against the lockers behind me. I watched in shock as the four of them walked away, pushing their way through the crowd of students.

I felt a scrape at my wrist under my sleeve, soon pulling out a folded piece of paper. Confused, I headed straight to the bathrooms, finding an empty stall and locking myself inside. I closed the toilet lid and sat down, pulling apart the note and reading the scrawled handwriting upon the page.

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