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It was a couple of months later that I finally got invited back over to Brian's place. You see, ever since my mom found out about us, my house had become the safest place where we could be ourselves together; I could hold his hand without fears of getting caught, Brian could give me many kisses and not fret that his crew would see and...well, we could do a whole lot more in the privacy of my own room.

Even though we were stuck with when and where we could have a connection between us, Brian and I's relationship was blossoming just like any other. He spoilt me sometimes and I was smitten with his crooked smile and those damn eyes.

His parents had not been away on a business trip in months, and Brian still had yet to tell them of his newfound sexuality, let alone that he was dating me. I wasn't mad at him for staying quiet. Sure, I wanted him to show me off more than anything, but I completely understood the hesitation. I had met his parents one time when they thought that I was tutoring him and they weren't exactly the most...welcoming...of people. I honestly don't know where Brian had learnt how to be such a sweetheart.

Dressed in my pastel-coloured button-up and khakis with white plimsolls at my feet, I started on my walk up the hill to Brian's place. I could have driven, but something told me that today would be a nice day to go for a walk.

By the time that I had made it to his house, the afternoon was well underway, with the sun gleaming down over us. It was the middle of March and Spring was showing its true colours now. The air was a bearable warmth and the birds and the bees were out. The grass that covered the acres of land that his parents owned was a bold green and smelled really good after its recent mowing.

I stepped onto the pebbled driveway that curved around the fountain centrepiece, coming to see Brian's truck parked outside of the double garage with its hood open. The closer that I got, the louder the music played from his speakers. Tom Petty, if you must know who he was listening to. I could hear Brian beginning to sing along and as I rounded the side of the vehicle; I was struck by a view I had not prepared myself for.

He was bent over the engine, dressed in a pair of denim shorts with his shirt hanging loosely out of the back pocket. He obviously didn't want to get it dirty. Dirt and oil covered his arms, chest and face; the sweat of being out in the sun perspiring against his skin.

Peering up from the sound of my shoes crunching the pebbles together beneath me, Brian smiled and reached for the towel, wiping at his face. The black soot stained the white cotton, barely removing any from his features.

"Hey, you," Brian greeted, stepping over to me. "Sorry, I was hoping to get her running before you got here so that we could go for a drive."

"It's okay," I replied, my focus distracted by the sight before me. Brian could see the distant look in my eyes, smirking at how easily he could win me over. "What', what's wrong with your truck?"

"Stupid fucking engine." Brian chuckled, slamming the hood back down with a bang. "C'mon, we'll just have to go another day."

"Can't we just take your Supra instead?" I asked genuinely.

"Not for what I had planned." Brian shrugged, leading me to the front door.

As we climbed the steps, I felt a pair of hands clasp at my waist before I was pushed back against the brick wall, right beside the doorbell. Brian's lips came crashing into mine in a searing kiss; tasting like the dirt that covered his face.

Breaking away, Brian snorted out at the oil that had smeared across my upper lip from our interaction. "Nice moustache."

"Thank you," I laughed, snatching the towel from his grasp and finding the cleanest spot I could to wipe my face.

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