Chapter 1

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„Elena" – she heard Jenna calling her name from downstairs. Her aunt was very loud when she wanted to be. „Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" – Jenna yelled louder than before so she would be convinced Elena heard her.

„I'm coming" – Elena yelled with a sleepy voice. She had put her pillow on the top of her head, squashing her ears so another sound wouldn't interfre with her waking up process. She wasn't a morning person. If she didn't wake up on her own, she would be moody for the whole morning. And the person who woke her up would be her target until she breathes some life in herself and forgets all about unpleasant waking up. She hated waking up early. But when she woke up late, that would mess up with her schedule that included hygine, which she had to do first until her brother wakes up and occupies the bathroom, and there's no way she's going in there after him, strategically planning her outfit for the day, doing her hair however she feels like that day, applying make up if she finds it necessary, and having a cup of coffee before Bonnie picks her up.

Elena threw the pillow of her head and opened one eye to glance at the alarm clock. 6:55am. Damn! She has only 35 minutes to get ready until Bonnie beeps the horn of her car to let her know she has arrived. She jumped from the bed in a hurry, running towards the bathroom. She opened the bathroom doors leading to the room of her brother, enough to see is he still in his bed. He was still sleeping. Good. That means she won't find any surprises in the bathroom. She locked both bathroom doors, ones leading to his, and the others leading to her room. Sharing a bathroom with a younger brother was the worst thing ever. Especially her brother, Jeremy, who was the messiest person she ever had a pleasure of knowing.

While she was brushing her teeth, Jenna's voice was still echoing in her head. If it were anyone else, Elena would be a first class bitch to them for waking her up, although they would be doing her a favor. How does that saying go? Let sleeping dogs lie? But she couldn't be angry or bitchy at Jenna. After all, she had dropped everything to take care of her and Jeremy, the least she could do was to not be a bitch to her.

She heard Jeremy's bed squeaking. That meant he's up, probably rolling out of bed as we speak. So she did what she had to do in a hurry, quietly unlocked his bathroom door, then disappeared from it, without leaving a trace she was there in the first place.

She opened her closet and frowned at it. Closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. She grabbed her black, under the knee dress from the hanger and vanilla, v-neck jacket that was ending on her hips. She slided in the strapless, bell dress an put her jacket on? To button the last button on it, or not?

Unbutton. She frowned at her reflection in the mirror. Her breasts were popping out now.

Button. She frowned again. She looked like a nun now.

Unbotton? Button?


She had put her favorite black with white dots flats on her feet, decided to let her hair fall down on her back, grabbed her black, leather bag from the chair and hopped downstairs.

Jeremy was already downstairs, eating his cereal. Guys. They brush their teeth, well most of them do anyway, put some water on their face to freshen up, dress into the first thing they see and they're done. He could have at least brushed his hair.

Jeremy raised his head and waved at Elena, wishing her good morning. Elena smiled at him. Milk was dripping down his face. She gestured him with her hand he has milk on his face, and he wiped it off with the sleeve of his shirt. Disgusting.

„Morning sweetie" – Jenna turned around, holding a big cup of coffee in her hands, offering it to Elena.

Coffee is her salvation. It keeps her from killing everyone she sees in the morning. Just like sarcasm, Bonnie and Caroline keep her from killing every one of those idiots at school.

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