Chapter 6

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Everything can change in a moment.

Death, birth, falling in love and falling out of love, catching happiness with the palm of your hand, making a friend and losing a friend, it happens in the blink of an eye. Some of those things happen so fast that we fail to notice them, because they're not humanly possible to notice. That is life, preventing us from acting. We often think if we payed more attention, or if we noticed when things started to change, we wouldn't feel like this at the moment. Doesn't matter if we're talking about grief and loss, or happiness and love, we're either sad or happy we didn't do something differently, because if we did, we wouldn't be standing where we are standing now. We blame ourselves and we blame people around us, but after some time we come to realize that some things are out of our control. Because life has a plan for all of us.

Things can change in one night.

They can change for better or for worse. They can make your world crush into pieces and they can open you up for new experiences. Sometimes you get a chance to feel both at one night, loss and gain, if you are fortunate.

Things mostly change during those quiet nights. Because life is a floating river, a day without bumping into a rock and causing waves is not a day well spent.

Elena loved those quiet nights. When she was home alone. When Jenna would go on a date and Jeremy would go to hang out with his friends. She would turn all the lights off, dress into something comfortable, open a new box of chocolate chip ice cream and pop in a movie. Loneliness was something that scared Elena more than anything in the world, but from time to time, she enjoyed being alone. She enjoyed the silence and walking around the house in her underwear. From time to time, she did enjoy being a typical teenage girl, when she wasn't dreaming about being in a fairytale. She loved those quiet nights.

Unfortunately, this is not going to be one of those nights.

Elena was sitting on the living room sofa, with her knees bent up her upper body. She wrapped her arms around them and rocked back and forth while trying to pick the spoon from the ice cream box and bring it to her mouth. She was watching some horror movie she already found in the DVD player.

„Don't go in there, don't go in there" – she was whispering while watching a girl in the movie enter a hunted house. Who even goes to a hunted house in heels? She can barely walk in heels in the straight ground, so she couldn't imagine herself running in those from a killer in a hunted house that probably has thousand of holes in the floor. And why do they never take those heels off? Do they not understand they will run faster that way? And look at what she's wearing. Can you even spread your legs in a dress that tight? Forget about running from a killer, why would anyone buy a dress that tight at all? Your probably feel like a mummy wrapped in it. Elena never understood girls who dressed like that. „You suffer for beauty", is what Caroline used to say. But why? There are so many comfortable things that make you look beautiful. Plus, most of those stuff you suffer for don't even make you look beautiful, they make you look cheap. Beauty should know it's limits, that's the charm of it. You should show enough, but not too much. Many girls don't even leave anything to imagination. Caroline once bought a dress like that, but Elena had cut those dressing habits in a bud. For Caroline's own good. She was grateful to her when she saw Daisy Owens, Rory's younger sister, wearing the same dress she bought. You couldn't tell her apart from a prostitute, especially with the make up she was wearing.

Elena jumped a little in her seat when unfamiliar hands grabbed the girl and pulled her into the darkness. She did not know why she even watched those horror movies, since they never did her any good. She was one big scary cat. When the blood splashed all over her screen and when she saw girls detached head rolling around the floor, she released a loud scream, instantly threw the ice cream box on the table and covered her eyes.

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