Chapter 2

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Stefan was laying on his back, throwing a little, yellow rubber ball against the ceiling. It kept bouncing back to his hands, which would always slightly entertain him in the times of boredom.

Rebekah and Nik went with their mother and her husband number I-stopped-counting-after-the-number-reached-two-digits to Atlanta to attend some barbecue his family was organizing. He could have imagined Rebekah's face when they put a plate full of greasy meat in front of her. Meat and grease were two of Rebekah's largest enemies when it comes to food. So she probably kept picking around her salad, unless it was too spicy. She didn't like spices that much either. When it came to food, Rebekah was so picky, unlike Stefan who could have eat everything. Meat, vegetables, sweets, cake, cookies.. mmm, Oreos. Sweet, delicious Oreos that were probably made by angels, in a land where milk and chocolate flow like neighboring rivers. He could hear the sound of the wrapper opening in his ear.

Ouch. The ball fell on his face. Focus, Stefan.

Anyway, Nik was probably bored out of his mind too. Unless there were some young, beautiful ladies for him to charm without even trying. When Nik was living with his father in London, he was in all boys school, so when he moved to Mystic Falls and started attending co-ed school, he was like Alice in the wonderland, discovering a completely new, unexplored teritory. He never had a girlfriend either, since his father was a really strict man, so Nik's schedule was cramped with extra curricual activites. Girls practically started throwing themselves under his feet, and he was out of his mind confused. So Rebekah asked Stefan to help him out before her brother does something stupid.

Stefan got up from the bed and rubbed his nose. He heard footsteps and whispers in front of his bedroom.

„You'll come with me to the office today, and I' ll show you a few things" – he heard his father hissing through his teeth. He peaked through the half open door of his bedroom, and saw his brother standing in front of a mirror, fixing his tie, while their father was brushing the back of his jacket with a little, wooden brush. „You'll have a lot to learn, but I expect you to do it in no time" – father gave a warning look to Damon, and Stefan could see Damon's face getting serious in the mirror. He even swallowed a little. „You're a Salvatore, after all" – father pulled a smile across his cold face and tapped Damon on the back, hard. Father rarely smiled, and when he did, Stefan swore he could hear his skin cracking a little.

Damon looked so silly in the business wear, since he was always wearing his jeans and a leather jacket with a plain black or blue shirt under it. He looked like the younger version of their father, and that was something Damon swore he would never be. Damon never got along with their father, until he told him he expects him to take over the family business once he's gone. That was probably the first time in his life that Damon got some recognition or approval from their father, and once he tasted it, it had hit him in the head, hard.

Stefan closed his door, silently, sighed, and fell back on the bed. He tried calling Katherine, but she blew him off, again. She was out shopping with Melanie. Or Melody. Or Melissa. Or some of her other minions starting with the letter M. He hasn't seen Katherine in a while, and he couldn't remember the last time the two of them had a meaningful conversation. Every time he tries to talk with her, not a minute passes by before she starts taking off her clothes, or his for that matter. Sex. That's everything they seem to do lately. Not that he's complaing. Katherine is an animal in bed. And she is ready to do anything. Literally anything. But he often missed their conversations, the ones they had in the beginning of their relationship. He missed the girl he fell in love with.

He rolled over and heard something rustling in his pocket. He frowned and reached down his pocket with his fingers, pulling out two crumbled pieces of paper. He opened it and saw a phone number on one, and Elena's name on the other.

Promise You Won't Fall In Love With Me Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon