Chapter 20

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"Wow!" - Caroline exclaimed as her friend twirled in front of her in her new dress - "Esther will die of jealousy."

"Esther?" - Elena cocked her eyebrow at Caroline.

Caroline blushed a little. "She told me to call her that. Said Mrs. Mikaelson makes her feel old" - she turned to the mirror to fix her lipstick.

Elena sat on the couch, carefully not to scrunch up her dress, and reached for vanilla color pumps which were under the coffee table.

"This is husband number..?" - Elena asked while slipping her feet into the shoes. She was not used to shoes this high, but Caroline made her buy them under the excuse she has killer legs, and that the shoes would go to waste if someone with potential did not wear them. She has to stop going shopping with Caroline, or at least letting other people make her buy things.

"I have no idea. I asked Nik, but he did not know to tell me, or did not want to. I doubt Esther knows either" - as she finished with her lipstick, she concluded her mascara needs fixing too.

Elena laughed. She stood up on her feet. The shoes were not as uncomfortable as she expected. She looked herself in the mirror behind Caroline. The shoes really did make her legs look leaner.

"I do not understand why do you refuse to use make up" - Caroline said annoyed as she put her make up back in her purse.

"Because I do not need it" - Elena smiled at her friend.

It was true. Elena's cheeks were always red. Jenna joked it's because she blushed all the time, even as a child, so they stayed that way. Her lips were perfectly shaped, long, but not too thin, and they were the color of the blood. The only product she ever used for her lips was a strawberry flavored lip gloss. Any use of eye shadow would only kill the beauty of her big, glossy, brown eyes.

"Just a mascara to extend your eyelashes" - Caroline whined.

Elena rolled her eyes at Caroline. "Okay" - she caved in pretty quickly, due to the years of experience. She knew she could never win, not when it comes to Caroline. No one could outwhine her.

Caroline smiled widely and took the mascara out of her purse and handed it over to Elena. Elena looked at the mirror and quickly applied mascara, thinking to herself how it does not look bad at all, before handing it over back to Caroline. Caroline looked into her eyes and clapped happily.

"Before we go, I have to ask you something" - Caroline said with a tone of voice which made Elena tremble. "Are you going to be okay with seeing Stefan there?" - she took her friend by her arms to steady her.

A smirk appeared in the corners of Elena's lips. "I think I'll survive" - she said sarcastically.

Caroline eyed her before smiling back at her.

"Okay then, let's go" - Caroline grabbed the keys of her car and headed to the front door, with Elena following her closely.


Stefan was standing in the middle of the room with a champagne in his glass and Rebekah and her mother by his side. He was telling Esther one of the recent adventures him and Rebekah have been on, and he was making her laugh like crazy, which only made Rebekah more annoyed than she already was. Her mother loved Stefan, always have, always will. Sometimes to Rebekah it seemed she liked Stefan more than either of her children. But she knew Stefan's stories are keeping her relaxed, and are distracting her from seeing if something is wrong. And with Esther, something was always wrong.

Both Stefan and Esther laughed at the same time as Stefan ended his story.

"Rebekah, I do not understand why you did not snatch him up when you had a chance" - Esther clutched to her daughter's shoulder, and Stefan laughed nervously, glancing at his friend.

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