Chapter 14

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Elena ran down the stairs when she heard a doorbell ring. Jenna smiled when she saw her speeding in front of the kitchen door. She wished Elena would hurry up like that in the mornings so she doesn't have to spend her voice on yelling her name, telling her to get out of the bed.

Elena opened the front door and smiled when she saw Stefan standing on her front porch. He looked dashing. He was wearing a deep, blue sweater that was a perfect contrast to his washed out jeans. His hair was gelled up as usual, and his eyes were smiling alongside his lips. He was holding a bouquet of white lilies in his hand, which were her favorite flowers. She mentioned that to him in one occasion, not even hoping he would remember. That's what was so great about Stefan, he kept surprising her. Things she thought he wouldn't do, say or remember, he would. He would remember everything. His mind was like a sponge for every word that comes out of her mouth.

„For you" – he stretched out his hand.

She took the flowers from his hand and buried her face in the bouquet. She loved the smell of fresh, white lilies. She could still see waterdrops on their petals. She pulled a wide smile across her face as she raised her head. She had put her hand on his wrist and lead him inside, pulling him in for a kiss. His soft lips fell on hers, feeding his hungry soul, craving for more. He found himself wanting to be with her every waking moment. He hadn't felt like that with any of the other girls he's been with. He enjoyed their company, but when he wasn't with them, he didn't feel like he's feeling now. When Elena is not with him, he has a feeling like a part of him is missing. And when he's with her, he feels complete, like everything has fallen into place. He wanted to spend every second of every day with her, and the wish of spending the night with her grew in him as days passed by. But the thing is, it wasn't about sex. He remembered the beginning of his relationship with Katherine. He wanted her. He was driven by lust. But with Elena, it wasn't about the sex, it was about the moment. He wondered how she tastes like, and how would the skin of her body feel under his, and how would she breathe, and would her touch made his skin burn at that moment more than in any other.

„Thank you" – she whispered after detaching her lips from his. His lips curved into a smile. „Come on, aunt Jenna is dying to meet you" – she took Stefan's hand into hers and started walking in the direction of the kitchen.

They entered the kitchen and saw aunt Jenna standing behind the counter, chopping tomatoes. She dropped the knife on the chopping board as soon as she noticed Elena and Stefan entering the kitchen.

„Jenna, this is Stefan" – Elena said as she lead Stefan closer to Jenna.

Jenna smiled at her niece before stretching her hand out to Stefan. „It's a pleasure to meet you" – Jenna smiled as Stefan shook her hand.

„See, I told you he exists" – Elena said as she took out crystal vase from the kitchen cabinet and filled it with water to put the flowers in.

She felt two pair of eyes watching her. She slightly turned her head around only to catch Stefan looking at her confused, and Jenna furrowing her brows, her lips curving into a devilish smile. Stefan coughed and smiled at her, as she blushed before turning her head around.

„Elena told me so much about you" – Stefan scratched the back of his neck.

Jenna went back to chopping tomatoes. „Well, she does talk a lot" – she glanced at her niece who was spreading white lilies in the crystal vase. Elena looked at her and frowned.

„Jeremy, get your ass in here" – Jenna called for hew nephew who was playing video games in the living room.

They could all hear Jeremy huffing all the way from the living room. „One does not simply pause in the middle of Black Ops" – he yelled from the living room, making Jenna roll her eyes.

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