Chapter 8

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Stefan was standing in front of his closet with nothing but a towel around his waist and water from his hair, which he was too lazy to dry off with a towel, dripping all over his chest. He was scratching the back of his neck, where his hair was ending, and frowning at his opened closet. He had a feeling he's turning into a woman, a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. But he wanted to look good, he knew he has to look good. Although he didn't know why. Maybe because she's going to be there. Maybe because they haven't seen each other since that day. Maybe because he wanted to impress her. Maybe because he wanted to be good enough for her. Although he didn't know how much his clothes will help him in that matter.

„Are you decent?" – he heard a woman's voice with pure British accent behind him. He turned his head around and saw Rebekah standing at his bedroom door with one hand over her eyes while holding a bottle of vodka in the other hand. She was wearing a pink dress that had flounces in the middle of it, right under her waist. It was perfectly wrapping around her body, showing off her curves. Rebekah was beautiful, Stefan had always thought so. And the best thing about her is that she never tried too much. She wore what she felt comfortable in, and her style changed from day to day. If she wanted to wear make up, she would wear it, but if she wasn't in the mood, she had no problems with walking outside of the house without it. She was true to herself, and she didn't care much about what other people think. Other than that, she was an amazing person, and sometimes the thought of not having her in his life would scare him. Because he couldn't imagine his life without her in it, and he couldn't imagine what kind of a person he would be if he didn't have her by his side. No one will ever be able to replace Rebekah to him.

„I don't remember my indecency stopping you before" – he said through laughter. She parted the fingers of her hand to look at him, before removing the hand from her eyes completely. She smirked at him and threw herself on his bed, her shiny, blonde hair flying in the air like she was a part of some shampoo commercial.

„What's that?" – he pointed at the bottle in her hand with his finger, pretending like he hadn't seen what it is.

„Something to relax us before the party" – she smirked at him, and he returned the same smirk to her. Sometimes Rebekah would come over with a bottle of alcohol she stole from her mother's cabinet, they would get wasted, turn on the music to the maximum, and jump up and down on his bed. Rebekah loved playing hide and seek while they were drunk, that was her favorite part. But Stefan's favorite part would be when they're sobering up, lying on his bed as the ceiling of his room is spinning, and talk about everything and nothing. Stefan called that 'the moment of truth', because both of them were sober enough to know what they're talking about, but drunk enough to say things they wouldn't be able to say without the influence of alcohol. Once he told her he had a dirty dream about her, and she admitted she often askes herself how he's in the sack. They kissed once when they were fourteen, and both of them agreed that kiss felt awkward, like when your aunt kisses you on the lips for your birthday. „Stef?" – she said his name silently.

„Yeah?" – he asked while digging through his wardrobe.

„I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. Nik told me what happened with Katherine, and I'm sorry I haven't been there for you" – she said with a decent amount of guilt in her voice.

He turned around and with his look he had let her know everything is okay, that there are no hard feelings. He understood her mom can be a handfull sometimes. Another great thing about their friendship is that most of the time neither of them had to say anything, and the one would know exactly how the other one is feeling. Sometimes she would come over and lie on his bed in silence for hours before getting up and saying „It was awesome hanging out with you, Stef!" Sometimes silence was more precious, and could say much more than thousand of words could.

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