Chapter 28

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Tyler left that very night. He did not seem too distressed, but then again, he rarely showed his emotions. Elena always had to drag the words out of him, and sometimes it took her hours to find out what he's really feeling. In the morning, she explained to Caroline what has happened, and of course, in five minutes time, everyone knew what happened too. In the next two days Elena did not leave her room a lot. She focused on explaining to her friends and family why is the wedding off. Aunt Jenna admitted she's not that surprised, but some of her friends were. Maybe because her friends were Tyler's friends first, because none of the people she knew before were surprised by the fact.

Rebekah tried to talk to, but Elena wasn't in the mood. She had spent all of her words on Caroline, and she had nothing more to say. She was afraid of Stefan's reaction. She thought he will be unpleasant and tease her, but he didn't. He didn't say a word. Sometimes, she would catch him staring at her, but as soon as she raised her look, he would move his away.

Elena woke up with an opened book on her chest. She did not plan on falling asleep, but the comfortable atmosphere in the room probably made her sleepy. There was a once upon a time warm cup of tea on the night table beside the bed, she was cuddled up in a warm, fuzzy blanket, and the lights were congested. She closed the book after marking the page on which she had stopped reading, rubbed her sleepy eyes and uncovered herself. It was chilly in the room, which was a shock to her body, because before she went to sleep, it was warm. She looked at the clock on the table. It was 7pm. She was surprised no one came to wake her up by now. She was wearing her short pajama bottoms and a black tank top. It was no wonder she was chilly. But then again, when she was packing, she did not know they will be spending their time somewhere where mornings and evenings are so cold. It was almost always warm in Mystic Falls. She decided to put her sweater on. It was oversized and long, it looked like a short dress, so when she had put it on, it looked like she has nothing under it.

She opened the bedroom door, and was surprised when she didn't hear any voices coming from downstairs, even though the lights were on. When she came downstairs, she noticed no one is there, except Stefan, who was frowning at the laptop in his lap. As soon as he heard the footsteps behind him, he turned his head around.

"Where are everyone?" - she asked before he had a chance to say anything. She was not in the mood to talk to Stefan. She was not in the mood to talk to anyone. Because eventually, they would want to know from the first hand what happened with Tyler, and she did not know how to explain it for them to understand, and to not find her reasons idiotic. Because sometimes there are really no words to describe what you're feeling. Sometimes your mind is so messed up barely you can understand yourself. But she knew what she felt, and she felt Tyler was not the guy she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. She knew why too. She simply did not know how to explain it to others.

Stefan frowned at her cold tone of voice and turned his head around. "They went to the town. They did not want to wake you up" - he said as he started typing something.

She furrowed her brows, but she was glad they did not wake her up, because she really wasn't in the mood for a road trip. She could not imagine herself sitting with all of them one hour there, and one hour back, in a car. She wasn't exactly feeling down, because she thought she had made a right decision, but she was still feeling.. wrong. Like, how did she even allow herself to be in this situation, or why did not she realize it earlier? Why did she realize it now? She knew the answer, she held it in the back of her mind, but she did not want to admit it to herself.

"And why did you stay?" - she asked curiously. She moved to the couch behind him and looked at the laptop, curious about what he's doing. Work. All she could see were a lot of medical terms she did not understand. Some of them she could not even read. But Stefan was typing them and talking about them like they were easiest and most normal terms in the world. Like something that would appear in an every day conversation.

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