Chapter 4

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Elena was sitting with Caroline and Bonnie in cafeteria during the lunch break. Caroline was going on and on about the party Missy Wilden is hosting in two weeks time, and how all of them should go and have some fun, but she very well knew none of them will end up going. Bonnie was carefully listening to her, taking in every word that would come out of Caroline's mouth, with her eyes locked on Caroline's for the whole time. Bonnie had a talent, she could listen to something she had no interest in, or at least she could pretend she's listening. Elena could never do that. She had no intention of listening to something she doesn't care about, even if it was coming from one of her friends. She would always politely imply she's not interested, or roll her eyes, or if it were one of those days, she would be open about it.

She was looking at the apple in her hands, turning it around, and every few seconds she would glance at her friends to see have they noticed her mind absence. Luckily, they haven't. Caroline was too busy with talking about what she's going to wear to the party there's 99% she's not going, and Bonnie was too occupied with listening to her, or pretending she's listening to her. For the first time Elena wanted to join the conversation that doesn't interest her only if that means she won't have to deal with these thoughts in her head. Stefan Salvatore. Stefan fucking Salvatore. That little bastard totally snuck up on her and surprised her like she's never been surprised before in her life. It's not that she likes him. There's no way in hell she would ever like him, but there was something about him that wouldn't let her be. The conversation they had last week changed her view of him completely. They talked for more than four hours, and she realized that he's completely different than she thought he would be. Her mother used to tell her to never stereotype people, because she might miss meeting her best friend or the love of her life if she started putting people in these little boxes. So she had no idea why did she decide to put Stefan in that little box.

„Oh my God" – she heard Caroline saying loudly. She nudged Elena and pointed on the other side of the cafeteria with her look. Elena jumped a little in her seat and frowned at Caroline. „He's walking in our direction" – Caroline whispered in her ear, and Elena looked at her with a confused look on her face.

Before she was able to turn around, she heard someone dropping something on the table. She turned her head around from Caroline, who's look was fixated behind Elena, and saw Stefan putting a paper on the table with a wide smile on her face. Elena smiled back at him and took a paper in her hands, carefully examining it. It was his Math exam, and on the top of the paper there was a big letter A circled with thick, red marker. She got up from the chair to face him. She raised her look from the paper and pulled a huge grin across her face.

„An A?" – she asked with a mixture of surprise and happiness in her voice.

„An A" – he repeated, smiling at her. He had such a pretty smile. His smile made his eyes smile. And his whole face smiled. And everyone around him smiled too. And there were rainbows and unicorns and everyone started singing songs from Glee and.. and before she knew it, she found herself in his hug. He had put his hands on her back, little above her bottom, lifting her shirt up a little. Her chest were pressing to his, and this was the first time she had felt how well built he is. He knew he is well built, he's a captain of a football team, his body was probably hard as a rock, but this was the first time she had felt how firm his body is, and pressing next to hers, well she couldn't lie to herself, it felt amazing. It would be rude not to hug him back, so she threw her arms around his neck, still holding the paper in her hand.

„Congratulations" – she said. She could feel him pulling her closer to him. She was standing on the tip of her toes, and she felt like she's going to fly.

„Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you" – he whispered into her ear. He pulled his fingers over her back, playing with the ends of her hair. She looked over his shoulder and noticed a bunch of cheerleaders by the table next to them are starting at them. Luckily, Katherine wasn't there. But there was something about the way they looked at them. They weren't shocked or surprised Stefan is hugging someone else, they were shocked and surprised by who he was hugging. Of course they would be. He had a perfect girlfriend who had a hair that didn't move while she walked and a perfect complexion and she didn't look like a clown when she applied red lipstick. She wore high heels and low skirts and she was not afraid of showing off her body, because she was satisfied with the way she looks. He had a girlfriend like that, and there he was, hugging some girl in tight jeans, black Converse shoes, and a blue shirt with a Cookie Monster. Her hair was all over the place and she did not have any make up on her face. Elena tried to ignore them, but soon their look became unbearable so she had let go of Stefan and pulled her hands back. He did the same.

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