Chapter 25

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He sat in his red Porsche and started driving into her direction. She called him yesterday, requesting to see him. She sounded stressed, and sad, and like something is on her mind, but she would not admit it. She said she simply wants to see him, to talk to him, that she misses him. But he could tell something is wrong, especially because next week is Christmas, and both of them are going home, so they would see each other then. He left everything behind. He had his finals, but he did not care about them, because her cracking voice would not leave his mind. He could not concentrate on doing anything else. So he drove for four hours, only to see her. He did not mind. The driving, the fact he was tired as hell or that he did not eat a nice, cooked meal in days, or the fact he has an exam in Chemistry in two days. He did not mind leaving everything behind because of her, because she was his number one priority. Everything else could wait, but she should not have to. He picked her up. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. He kissed her on the lips, and she gave him a nice hug. It was cold. It was rarely this cold in Mystic Falls. There was snow on her campus. She was wearing a long, red coat, white gloves, and white fluffy hat. Snowflakes were falling on her long, straight hair. She looked beautiful, and although he was freezing because he was under dressed, he could stand there for hours, watching her figure in the snow, even if the cost was pneumonia. They went to her favorite coffee shop. She seemed quiet, although her trembling lips were giving her away - she wanted to say something. She kept smiling awkwardly. Then she started to seem sad to him. He could see her heart breaking in her eyes, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Elena, is something wrong?" - he tried to reach for her hand, but she pulled it back.

Fear and sadness washed over his whole body.

"No, nothing is wrong" - she smiled lightly in order to cover her act, and her cheeks blushed. He hasn't seen her blush in ages.

"Well, something is clearly on your mind" - he said with a hallow voice. Part of him was afraid to find out what exactly is on her mind. But other part of him knew he has to know, that is why she asked him to come.

"There is something I have to tell you" - she said, looking down at the cup of coffee in front of her. Vanilla cappuccino. He could see traces of her strawberry lip gloss on the cup. He almost forgot the taste of it, and that made him sad.

He hated that sentence. We have to talk, there is something I have to tell you, and can I ask you something are literally three worst sentences in the existence.

"Okay" - he kept looking at her, although for some reason, she refused to look him in the eyes.

"I don't think this is going to work out" - she said, her hands squeezing around the cup.

He had put his hands on the table, but he did not say anything. He kept looking at her with a blank stare in his eyes. When she could not handle it anymore, she raised her head and looked him directly in the eyes. He looked confused.

"What you don't think is not going to work out?" - he asked calmly, although there was a loud voice in his head, screaming at him, telling him what is this all about. But he refused to listen to reason. He refused to believe in what his mind was telling him, and decided to listen to his heart.

"Us" - she said with a husky voice.

His body stiffened. He kept looking at her, waiting to see will her face expression change, but it didn't. She was calm, although he could see fear and sadness and heartbreak behind her eyes.

"You probably thought about it too" - she said with a lingering stare, only to break this ground shattering silence between them. He leaned into his chair, but his body still looked stiff. He crossed his arms on his chest.

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