Chapter 19

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"You're not Elena" - words escaped his lips, and he could feel a certain amount of disgust and anger, for the person standing in front of him and for himself, in his voice. He pulled his hands away from her hips and backed down.

"I'm sure not" - he heard a high pitched voice echoing in the four walls of his bedroom.

Vicky. Sweat washed over him. He started creating scenarios in his head. He was afraid of what she might do, or what she might say. He was afraid of someone walking in and getting the wrong impression. That someone being Elena.

"What's a matter Stefan, are you not comfortable with being in the same room with me? Alone, in the dark?" - she asked silently, using her seductive voice that once upon a time made him sweat because of different reasons.

He kept walking backwards, trying to get away from her, but as he made few steps backwards he could feel his legs touching the bed, and before he knew it, he crashed on the bed.

"Vicky, I'm with Elena now" - he was trying to maintain serious tone of his voice, but you could tell he was nervous. You would think a man with his experience would know how to handle himself in a situation like this. He lied and faked his way out of many awkward situations, and he lied and faked his way in many pleasurable ones. But being with Elena, all of that disappeared. To him, being that person seemed like a million of years ago, like he was that person in some previous life he vaguely remembers.

"Do you want to be with Elena?" - the lights came on before she finished the sentence.

He could see her standing in front of him, with her hands on her hips. She wore denim shorts that revealed her long legs and luscious thighs, and the black top pointed out her perfectly shaped waist and her breasts. Her hair was all over the place, and she had a devilish smile on her face. She was attractive, but she was no Elena. No one was like Elena, and no one will ever be like Elena. And Stefan wasn't sure he would ever be able to settle down for anything less.

"She's not even that pretty" - Vicky made one step closer to him, but when she had seen him flinch, she stopped - "Or attractive. She's not experienced" - she said through laughter as she remembered Elena saying Stefan is the only boyfriend she ever had. "I remember how you touched me, Stefan. I know you like girls who know what they're doing" - she winked at him as she made one more step closer.

"Vicky" - Stefan said her name with a serious voice, like Nik used to do - "I love Elena. I want Elena. What we had was - "

"A mistake?" - she said before he had a chance to finish the sentence. There was no smile on her face anymore.

"No" - he said, and the smirk came back to her face - "But it is in the past, and it meant nothing" - he hissed.

You could still feel traces of nervousness in his voice. It was because he was thinking the worst, and expecting the worst. He wondered how much time will take for them to realize Vicky is no longer there now when the lights came back on. Unless she made some excuse which would buy her time.

The smirk disappeared from her face, and he was worried, and curious, about her next move.

He heard footsteps in the hallway in front of his bedroom door. The blood in his veins froze. His look moved to the door, instantly, and so did Vicky's. The door opened, and the first thing he could see were the locks of brown hair flying in.

"Stefan" - he heard a well known voice before his eyes locked on Elena's face.

She was smiling when she saw him sitting on the bed, but as soon as she captured Vicky standing only few steps away from him, her face expression suddenly changed. Her face was washed with sadness, fear, confusion, and he could even see a little bit of anger sparkling in her eyes.

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