Chapter 3

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When Stefan dropped Elena of in front of her house, she started walking towards Bonnie's house, knowing her friends would kill her if she haven't told them all about Stefan. When she opened the front door, she could hear Bonnie and Caroline talking in the kitchen.

„Elena" – Caroline dropped her spoon in the box of ice cream when she saw Elena standing on the kitchen door – „How was your date?" – she cocked her eyebrow.

„Little Elena Gilbert had a date?" – Bonnie's brother came in the kitchen behind her, heading towards the fridge. He opened the freezer and frowned when he realized there is no ice cream left.

„I wasn't a date" – Elena sent a warning look to Caroline.

„Yes it was" – Caroline was persistent.

Ty closed the fridge and turned around to look at the girls. He saw Caroline in front of the kitchen counter with a spoon in her hand, eating his ice cream. Caroline kept pretending like there's nothing she's guilty of, and he rolled his eyes at her. „With who?" – he raised his look at Elena, not ready to let the topic go. His bushy hair was standing on the top of his head like a shrub, and there were big bags under his eyes. He probably stayed all night playing video games. His shirt was soiled with ketchup. On his bottoms he had kaki shorts and white, woolen slippers.

„Stefan Salvatore" – Caroline said proudly, taking another spoon of ice cream to her mouth.

Ty frowned at Elena. „A Salvatore, eh? Why would you want to have anything with them?" – he said as he took another spoon from the drawer and joined Caroline.

„What do you know about the Salvatores, Ty?" – Bonnie asked her brother when she saw a confused look on Elena's face.

„I went to school with Damon, Stefan's brother. He was a real ladies man" – Ty took a full spoon of chocolate chip ice cream, frowning at the thought of Damon Salvatore.

„Stefan is not like that, he has a girlfriend" – Elena tried to defend Stefan, not sure why, but she felt like she owes it to him. She would do it for anyone, really, if she knew what she's hearing about them were lies. She didn't know is Stefan ladies man like his brother or not, though, but she still defended him. She caught Bonnie's curious and confused look, but she shook it away. She didn't understand her actions either.

Ty raised his look at Elena and smirked at her. „Yeah, Damon had one too. For every day of the week" – he went back to fighting with Caroline for chocolate chip ice cream. „What are you doing with him, anyway?" – he furrowed his brows. Ty knew very well with what kind of people Salvatores associate with, and if Damon was the most popular kid in the school, he had no doubts Stefan is the same. He's a Salvatore, after all, whatever that meant. He also knew his sister and her friends weren't actually the most popular girls in the school.

„I'm tutoring him in Math" – Elena said proudly, making it obvious she's not one of the girls he fools around with, if there are such girls.

Ty laughed out loud, putting another spoon of ice cream in his mouth before throwing it to the sink, at Caroline's relief. „Damon had private tutors. Girls from school, they tutorted him in something else. Or he tutored them" – Ty raised his eyebrow as he moved past Elena, tapping her on the shoulder.

Could have Matt been right? Is Stefan playing some kind of a game with her? Is she his little doll on a string without even realizing? But there was something about him, a side of him she didn't know exists. She always knew him as Stefan, a captain of football team, a guy that is dating a head cheerleader, a guy who drives a red Porsche, a guy in a letterman jacket. But there was something in his eyes, something that made him more than she thought there is to him. And she couldn't explain it, because she couldn't quite figure out what that something is. Does that side even exist, or did he made it up to make his game more real? Can you even make up that kind of emotion? If he faked it, he's a brilliant actor.

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