Chapter 24

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6 years later..

Elena was sitting in front of her laptop screen, trying to come up with perfect words to end the last chapter of her book, but weeks passed by since something stole her inspiration. Her publisher has been nagging her about the deadline, which only made things harder. She knew how she wants to finish the story, she could see it in her head, but somehow, she could not write those words down. Whatever she wrote, she always thought she can do better, so she deleted every progress she would make and went back to where she started.

Her life was better than she even imagined it would be. She could look at college years with pleasure, especially because she stayed in contact with all of her friends. Ironically, the one she heard the most from is the one that has been the most far away. She talked with Caroline almost daily, even though her and Nik decided to stay in Europe for a little longer than a year. They came back two years ago, when Elena was in her fourth year.

Sarah Lawrence was the perfect choice of education for her. It pushed her in the direction she always wanted to go, and it helped her achieve all of her dreams, even the ones she never knew she had. She successfully published her book, and now is writing the second part of the series, and for now, she had signed a contract which includes at least four parts of the series, but by the look of things, she will write more than four books. Only in a week her book has reached a second place on the list of best selling novels, and until now, it hasn't gone down.

Elena's fingertips were hovering over the laptop keyboard when her Skype beeped. She opened it and saw that Caroline is trying to video call her. She looked at the time and sighed, because she knew Caroline is about to dramatize, like she did these last couple of months since Nik asked her to marry him. But she answered the call anyway.

"Why are you not on your way to the airport?" - Caroline yelled while doing her nails. Her hair was completely wet, and there was no trace of her bouncy curls. She was wearing a silky, pink robe, and the color on her nails complimented the color of the robe. She was concentrating on painting her nails in a hot, pink color, but that did not disable her from yelling at Elena.

"It's nice to see you too, Caroline" - Elena fixed her glasses with thick, black frame that were hanging from her nose. She pushed them up so she can see Caroline more clearly.

Caroline raised her head to the screen and wiggled her lips. "I'm sorry" - she shook her head - "Of course it's nice to see you" - she said with that annoying high pitched tone of voice she knew to use from time to time - "but if you do not move this instant, you're going to be late for my wedding, and how can I have a wedding without my maid of honor?" - she started waving her hands like that is actually happening. Elena could bet Caroline could see herself in her wedding dress, Nik waiting for her on the other side of the alter, but the wedding cannot take place because Elena is late.

"Caroline, your wedding is not until next week" - Elena said with a soothing voice when she noticed Caroline has started hyperventilating.

"I know, but you not being here tomorrow would mess up with my protocol.. you do have my protocol, I e-mailed it to you" - Caroline's eyes widened, expectant of Elena's answer.

Elena laughed lightly. "Yes, I received and printed it" - the saddest thing was, she really did. And she kept it in a safe place. Caroline may be one of those crazy brides, but she was her friend and Elena knew how much this means to her.

Caroline had put her hand on the place where her heart is. "Good" - she exhaled in relief.

Elena cocked her eyebrow at her. "But if I do not move now, I'll really miss the plane" - she smiled at Caroline who's face has gotten serious in the matter of few seconds. She blew a kiss to Elena before ending the call. Elena smiled, took her glasses off, and in the moment she was ready to shut the laptop down, she felt a set of familiar arms wrapping around her waist.

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