Chapter 7

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Stefan was going through kitchen cabinets in search for an box of Oreos he knew he hid somewhere, but couldn't quite remember where. His cheeks were starting to turn slightly red, and he was living in the fear someone ate his last box of Oreos. And by someone, he meant Rebekah. He had left her alone the other day for only few minutes to take a shower before they go out for drinks, and if anyone is responsible for their disappearance, it was her. He hadn't seen Rebekah for a while, since her mother was keeping her busy for some reason. It's been only few days since he cought Damon and Katherine in bed, and he hadn't seen anyone really. Rebekah wasn't in school, and Nik handled the situation like any guy would. He didn't say anything. He hadn't seen Damon either. He heard him few times in the hallway, but he would lock the doors of his room so Damon wouldn't bother him. He wasn't ready to face him. He saw Elena around the school, but he was the one who couldn't face her. He would walk away in another direction or hide until she goes away. He saw her look flying over to his locker few times while he was hiding from her, and he wondered is she angry, and if not, how does she feel. He hadn't seen Katherine either. She was probably the one who was avoiding him. But by now, the whole school knew they have broken up. And they knew the reason why. That only made the girls want him more. He was like a wounded puppy to them now.

Found it. Last box of Oreos, he licked his lips. He doesn't have to yell at Rebekah like the last time. They were watching a movie, and for some reason, she thought it would be funny if she ate his last Oreo. Why would anyone find that funny? What kind of a person eats their friends last Oreo? Last ones are usually the sweetest. Rebekah said she thought the big, blue vein on his forehead will explode while he was yelling at her, which only made her laugh more. He doesn't even have any big veins, especially not on his forehead. He opened the box and took out one Oreo, carefully halving it in the middle, and placing on his tongue. Sweet mother of everything that is holy. He chewed the cookie with his eyes closed, feeling like he bit a piece of fluffy cloud sprinkled with fairy dust. Oreos were the most delicious thing in the world, he was sure of it. The only thing that probably tastes better than them is –

God damn Stefan, stop thinking about Elena.

„Stefan" – he heard someone calling his name. He opened his eyes and saw Damon standing in front of him. His coal, black hair was greasier than usual and there was no smirk on his face. His smirk was like his personal signature, and now Stefan couldn't even see traces of it. His baby blue eyes looked tired, like saddness washed over them, like he hasn't slept for days. „Can I talk to you for a second?" – he asked, afraid of what Stefan's response might be.

„Would you like an Oreo?" – Stefan stretched out the box in his hand closer to his brother – „Since you love taking what's mine" – he smiled spitefully to his brother.

Damon released a light laugh and lowered his head down. „I'm serious" – he said while keeping his look fixated on the floor.

Stefan laughed before taking another bite of the cookie, feeling delicious, white filling settling down on his teeth, giving him a tingly, pleasurable feeling under his tongue.

„What could you possibly say to me to fix this?" – Stefan asked curiously.

Damon raised his head and Stefan could see a tear in the corner of his eye, tear he was trying to prevent from rolling down his cheek.

„I love her, Stefan" – Damon said with a husky voice, with fear written all over his face.

Stefan stared at his brother, not being able to form words. He locked his eyes on Damon's, not even trying to hide shock and confusion that was showering his face.

„What?" – he asked silently, swalloving hard.

„Few months ago, she came over, looking for you. I told her you're at the practice, but that you should be home any minute now, so she can wait for you. And we started talking. And she told me how lonely she is. How she knows you don't love her anymore, and how being in a relationship with her became an obligation for you. She told me that she feels like she did something wrong and - "

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