Chapter 16

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„Wake up" – Stefan heard a sweet and silent voice invading his dreams. He could feel someone's breath on his face and the weight of someone's body on his, but he was too out of it to care or to find it alarming. The whole thing seemed like a dream to him. Maybe he was having one of those dreams again, the ones where Elena is wearing a nurse uniform, waking him up to scrub his body with a soft, wet sponge and.. yeah, the rest is clear. He would have those kind of dreams including Elena often, too often maybe. Sometimes he would have them while he's awake. He wiggled his body on the warm, comfortable bed, and the body on his wiggled with him.

„Come on, birthday boy" – he could hear the same voice again, this time the voice had stick in his ears a little while longer than the last time. She could feel someone's lips scraping next to his, and the fingers of someone's hand intertwining with his. Then, he could feel the person pulling their body up, and the next thing he heard was the box opening. He knew that sound very well. It was like hearing the gates of Heaven opening. The person started waving something above his face, and the familiar scent started going up his nose, waking up his mind, making him remember what exactly was lingering above his face.

He slowly opened his sleepy eyelids and saw Elena sitting on him, waving an Oreo above his face. He had put his hands on her legs and felt her bare skin, the feeling which could wake his body out from a coma. She had a wide smile on her face while waving an Oreo above his lips. He opened his eyes widely and returned her the same smile. He pulled his hands up her legs, meeting her hips, which made her jump a little on him out of the pleassure his touch was sending through her body. He pulled his hands under her shirt and squeezed the flesh of her hips with his fingers. She lowered the Oreo on his lips, and when he was about to bite it, she brought it up to her lips and bit it herself. He looked at her in shock, not being able to believe she would do something like that to him. She grinned and lowered her lips on his neck. He closed his eyes and put his arms around her, pulling his fingers over her back.

„Happy Birthday, boyfriend" – she mumbled while kissing his neck.

„Thank you, beautiful" – he said through laughter.

She was planting her kisses on the spots on his neck she knew would turn him on. He squeezed his arms around her body more tightly, pulling her closer to him.

When he felt like he can't take it anymore, when he felt like he's going to explode, he rolled her over and placed himself on top of her, putting his hands next to her head, supporting himself so she doesn't have to feel the weight of his body on hers. He did not leave space between their bodies, though. Their bodies were grining against each other as he was kissing her passionately. He kissed her like he's sucking all of the life's force out of her, like his existance depends on the intensity of their kiss. Elena's kisses with the taste of Oreo, the best thing in the world. She had put her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him deeper for the kiss. He was pulling his fingers up and down her body, and she had a feeling like her body reached the temperature that is not normal for a human being. She was bending under his body like a ruber, feeling like her heart is going to pop out from her chest, but not being able to stop what was going on between them.

Eventually, she had to detach her lips from his due to the lack of air in her lungs. He had lowered his head on her body and she could feel his lips curving into a smile against her collar bone.

„Dress up" – she said as she sat straight up on him – „Me and your mom made you a birthday cake" – she jumped off him, grabbed him by the wrist and tried to pull him out of the bed.

„You contributed in the kitchen?" – he cocked his eyebrow at her as he stood up in front of her. He knew Elena is a bad cook, she told him that herself. She was clumpsy and everything she cooked, or baked for that matter, tasted like sand.

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