Chapter 9

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When Caroline finally broke through the mass of drunk teenagers, she ran through the front door and her look searched for Elena. He finally caught her in the middle of a parking lot, standing in one place, motionless. It looked like her feet were buried in the ground she was standing on. Caroline started running towards her, calling her name, every time louder, but Elena did not move. When she finally reached her, she had noticed Elena's eyes moving from one side of parked cars to the other, while tears were streaming down her face.

„He's gone" – she cried out silently, not being able to find Stefan's car on the parking lot.

„Elena, let's go back inside" – Caroline tried to take Elena's hand in hers, but Elena pulled her hand back as soon as she felt Caroline's skin on hers. „We have to clean you up" – she smiled lightly, trying to grab Elena's hand once again, but that ended like the last time, with Elena pulling her hand back.

„I need to find Stefan, I need to explain myself to him" – Elena said through her teeth while watching her friend right in the eyes. Caroline trembled from her look.

„Elena.." – Caroline tried to calm her down, but there were more tears on her cheeks as each second passed by, smudging her make up all over her face.

„I want Stefan" – Elena said through tears, louder than the last two sentences she pronaunced. She wasn't sure will Caroline understand what she's talking about. She didn't only want to talk to him, to explain to him what just happened was a mistake which she never planned to make, nor will she make it ever again. She wanted him. She wanted to be with him. And she wasn't afraid anymore, she could admit to herself that she wants him, and she was ready for it to become a reality. The only thing scarier than being with him was not being with him.

Caroline's lips almost curved into a smile, but she stopped herself, because she knew this is no time for smiling. But she thought she knows what Elena meant by that. She's been suspecting it for a very long time, even before Elena called her that night. To an innocent observer, nothing would seem fishy, but Caroline had put her finger on it right away. All Elena had to do was curve her lips into a smile when he walked by past her, and Caroline would know. She had a sixth sense about those things, so she could not understand how could Bonnie be so blind to Elena's sympathy for Stefan. She grabbed Elena by the shoulder and slightly shook her.

„I don't think you're in a condition to talk to Stefan right now" – Caroline tried to reason with her. After few seconds, Caroline could feel Elena's body relaxing under her touch. She had let go off her so Elena could clean her face from tears with the palm of her hand. „Come on" – she grabbed Elena's hand with hers, but this time Elena did not protest – „I'm going to take you home, and you're going to tell me everything that happened" – she pulled Elena as she started walking towards her car.

When they came to Elena's place, Caroline made her a hot cup of coffee, and Elena told her everything. What she feels for Stefan, what she was afraid of, what Matt told her and how he ended up kissing her, and why did she let him. Caroline tried to keep the serious expression on her face the whole time Elena talked, but she looked a little bit shocked when Elena told her about what went down with Matt.

Few hours later, Elena fell asleep, and Caroline called Nik to apologize for bailing. He understood. He would do the same for Stefan.


When they went back to school on Monday, Caroline did not let Elena out of her sight. The day after the party, Caroline called Bonnie to come over, and Elena had filled her in with what was going on. Caroline thought that's the right thing to do, since she was her best friend. Well, one of her best friends. Bonnie was understanding, and even she suspected something, but she had no idea things between her and Stefan went so far.

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