Chapter 12

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„I'm sorry, but I still can't believe it" – Caroline was lying on Elena's bed, holding her hands on her stomach, trying to stop herself from laughing – „I can't believe you're in a relationship with, and I quote, a dumbass jock who couldn't think of two smart ones even if his life depended on it" – Caroline laughed more when she remembered Elena's words about Stefan.

Elena blushed when she remembered them too. She said some pretty nasty things about Stefan before she even knew him. Now, she wanted to take all of those things back and replace them with good and kind words. Her and Stefan were a perfect example of how you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Bonnie was sitting in a chair, rolling her eyes at how silly Caroline looked. She didn't know what to say to either of them. She didn't have a boyfriend, nor did she need one. They are a waste of time, at least for now. Just because Caroline and Elena managed to find two decent ones, doesn't mean all of them are like that. Most of them are immature pricks who's mind is settled on only one thing, and one thing only.

The truth is, Bonnie had a boyfriend once. They weren't official, but they were spending a lot of time together. Sometimes they would talk, sometimes they would watch movies, sometimes they would even make out. That lasted for a pretty long time, few months actually, and Bonnie admitted to her friends she's head over heels for the guy. Soon after that, he wanted them to have sex, but Bonnie said she's not ready. After that, talking stopped, making out stopped, movie dates stopped. He barely even said hi to her when they bumped into each other in the hallway, until they stopped talking completely. Caroline would often say Bonnie can't move on because she never got her closure. Because he never told her he doesn't want to be with her, he simply stopped talking to her because she said she wasn't ready to sleep with him right that moment. After that, Bonnie stopped showing interest in guys.

Caroline rolled over on her stomach so she can face her friends. Elena was sitting on the floor, still blushing, and Caroline cocked her eyebrow at her.

„So" – she said, making the word longer than it actually was – „Did you do it?" – she raised one of her eyebrows and pulled a huge grin across her face.

Elena's eyes popped out, her face went pale, which only made her blushing cheeks more visible. „Caroline!" – Elena said her friends name with a husky voice, offended she would even ask her such a question – „We're only dating for a week" – Elena pointed out.

Caroline furrowed her brows. „But you have had feelings for him long before that."

That was true, but still, even month and a half wasn't long enough. Or was it? She had no idea how it works. Everything seemed so easy in the movies, but she knew real life is no movie, and that things never develop smoothly like the storyline in the movie does.

Caroline bit her lower lip. „Me and Nik took care of it in the beginning."

Bonnie choked on her ice tea, and Elena simply stared at Caroline. She knew Caroline was a virgin before she met Nik, and now she talked about it with such easyness in her voice. Maybe it really wasn't a big deal, maybe she was blowing this thing way out of the proportion. Maybe she should simply do it so she can be done with it already, so nothing can hold her back anymore.

„Why didn't you tell me anything?" – Elena asked with a shocked voice.

Caroline shrugged and rolled back on her back. „Because it happened somewhere around the time your Stefan problems came to the surface and I did not want to bother you with my problems" – Caroline said in a hurry and rolled back on her stomach – „My point is, you have nothing to be afraid of" – she smiled at Elena who was sitting on the floor, playing with her fingers like a child.

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