Chapter 15

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Love comes in all shapes and sizes.

There are different kinds of love.

But when you're young, when you're growing up, when you have your doubts, when you think you're not good enough, when you think no one wants you, when you think other people are better than you, love the man feels for a woman and vice versa is the most appreciated kind of love.

First love is one of the life's most memorable experiences. Sweaty palms, butterflies, heavy breathing, not being able to find right words at the right time and all those other things you hear in movies and cheesy love songs are true.

You never forget the first person who loved you more than a friend, less than a family, and accepted you the way you are. You never forget the first person you shared your dreams and hopes with, the person who knew all of your secrets and who could tell how you're feeling just by looking at your face.

But when you're young, you mistake a lot of other feelings for love. Lust. Infatuation. You get lost in the physical kind of love that you forgot to think with your head and love with your heart.

But when you remember to do so, there's nothing better in the world. Everything else stops existing, and you have a feeling like you're on the cloud nine, and nothing can shake you off it.

All of them met up at Stefan's place. His father was on some business trip again, and his mom was visiting her sister, so he had the whole house to himself, which wasn't an unusual situation for Stefan, since his parents were gone a lot. Damon left somewhere too, and although he knew he's probably with Katherine, he did not want to think about it. He wasn't ready to invite them to hang out with the rest of the crowd because what they did hasn't healed yet. He will probably always remember what they did, and how much it had hurt, and at some level, it will keep him from having the same relationship with them he had before.

Caroline was curled up next to Nik, crying her eyes out. They were watching The Notebook. Again. It was Caroline's favorite movie, and if she doesn't make you watch it at least hundred times, she doesn't consider you a friend. Nik was fighting to stay awake while holding teary Caroline in his arms. Her clinging to his shirt and whispering 'wait for this part' probably helped him stay awake, although Elena could see his eyelids closing in few occasions, when Caroline was too distracted with what was happening on the screen.

Rebekah was sitting across them, rolling her eyes at them every now and then, but sometimes, Elena would catch her staring at the screen, her full attention fixated on what's going on in the movie. Rebekah usually acted tough, like none of this affects her, like she doesn't need or want anybody, but in the end of the day she was a girl, and she wanted what every other girl wanted. Stefan told her Rebekah's life is not as easy as she makes it out to be in front of other people. But she does not want anyone to take pity of her, so she doesn't let anyone in on her real situation.

Stefan came back from the bathroom. Elena was sure he only went there so he could skip a part of the movie. When he came back, his look fell on the coffee table and an empty plate on it. He furrowed his brows, making them come closer together.

„This is getting out of control" – he raised his voice, making all of the heads in the room turn to him – „Who ate the last Oreo?"

His look instantly fell on Rebekah, who was shaking her head with a serious face expression.

Elena raised her hand in the air with a smile on her face. He could not believe it. He was betrayed but none other than his girlfriend. He had a shocked expression on his face. She lowered her head down so he couldn't see the smile on her face, because she always found it funny how he freaked out over Oreos, in any kind of situation. Everyone were ready to hear another speech about how no one eats his Oreos, especially not the last one, because the last one is usually the most delicious one. Both Nik and Rebekah heard that speech at least hundred times in their lives, Rebekah more than Nik since she knows Stefan longer, and his Oreo addiction started even before she met him.

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