Season 1

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Alex Black born in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada that's until his parents died and he's forced to move in with his Aunt Rik and cousin Lexi and they live in Lima Ohio he's forced to move to a new country at a young age now he's in high school.

Alex is 6'2 he is 16 even tho he's only a freshman since he failed a grade the year his parents died

He's a regular teen he loves sports and music mostly hip/hop and rock he is popular he's a football player his girlfriend Brittany is a Cheerleader and his best friend since he was 12 years old Finn Hudson is the quarterback of there football team the McKinley high school titans

The day was going as normal as any other when the Spanish teacher Mr Schuester found drugs in his locker.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now