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Cassandra looked up to see what she had bumped into.
Staring at the person for a moment, trying to figure out if she knew him.

"Huh what?" she asked confused.
"The book. I want the book." He pointed at it. Making sure to say the last sentence very slowly, as if she was an alien from another planet who didn't speak his language. Which pissed her a little bit off.

He hadn't been necessarily rude. But considering they were strangers and that he wanted her book, it triggered her short-temper a little. Causing her to raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

That was when it hit her.

She did know him.

His deep brown, almond-shaped eyes and that serious, almost emotionless expression when he wasn't smiling, totally gave it away for her.

It was Taehyung.

"Why would you want a book about astronomy? I doubt you could even understand it," she said, walking past him. It came out meaner than she had attended to, to be honest. She didn't want to imply he was dumb or anything. But considering he was majoring in music and cinema, she couldn't really image him being interested in that topic or even knowing anything about it besides some commonly known constellations.

Taehyung was a guy from her art college. She wouldn't really know how to describe him because she never payed much attention to him. Not because she disliked him, but he always kinda seemed aloof and unapproachable. Except when he was hanging out with his friends from the music department around campus.
They only had one class together: photography supplementary course. They had to either have photography or dance as an additional course in their last two years, if none was their major. And since she couldn't dance at all, she picked the easier one. After all, everyone knew how to take a photo.
What had surprised her was that apparently some students were crazy enough to take both courses. And Taehyung was one of those crazy people.
In photography class, he was either sitting in the far back or right in the front, while she usually sat somewhere in the middle. Not too close, but not too far away either. Just like in a cinema.
However, this way they never really got to make any contact with each other in these past two semesters. And now only a few weeks were left before the end of classes.

The only few things she knew about him were, besides that he also took the dance supplementary course, that he was quite popular among pretty much the rest of the students. Not only among girls as he, admittedly, was quite attractive, but he was also popular among guys. She didn't really know why though. Maybe it had something to do with his personality, that she pretty much never really saw coming through during lectures, but maybe he had some hidden talent she didn't know about.

As far as she did know though, he was quite good in photography. His photos always turned out very atmospheric and a little melancholic, which was totally her taste. And she had also seen him sometimes painting in the art room after classes. Which she found weird, since he wasn't in the art department like her.
For her, Taehyung was just another one of those wannabe sophisticated art college students the campus was filled with to be honest. He even sometimes wore a beret to complete the cliché. Not that she didn't love wearing one herself, but that was another topic.

"W- what? Why wouldn't I understand it?" he asked with a puzzled expression, stepping in front of her. Her cheeks turned red. "I-.. sorry, I didn't mean it like that," she stuttered. The small amount of confidence she previously had due to her slight upsetness, having vanished.
He furrowed his thick brows, eventually shrugging it off. "Okay, but the book. Can I have it now?"
There it was again. Her upsetness had returned. Even though his voice was calm and warm, it did irritate her. That hint of smugness in his tone.
"What the -, no," she said in the most polite tone she was capable of. "You can take another one or reorder it online or here at the store."
"You don't understand, I need this one." His pleading look made her almost give in. But no. Why would she give in to a stranger? Just because he looked cute?
"Look, I'm sorry, but I also want this book and I was the first one, so.." And with that she slowly turned on her heels, heading to the register when a hand as big as her face suddenly grabbed it from her grip.
"It wasn't that hard after all," he widely smiled to himself. If she hadn't been so perplexed in that moment, still processing what had just happened, she would probably have noted how adorable his smile was.
Their eyes eventually met, Taehyung giving her an apologetic look. "Maybe you can order another one online or here at the store," he said, pursing his lips. Trying his hardest not to sound arrogant. To be honest, her big bambi eyes staring at him like this made him regret his actions. He honestly didn't want to be such a jerk to her. After all, he knew exactly who she was as well. But he had no option. He couldn't let her get this book.

In other circumstances, Cassandra would have probably let go of the situation as she wasn't someone who was necessarily out to create a scene in public. However, when anger and frustration took over and clouded her mind, that changed. And oh boy, everyone should better hide because she was about to explode. Right in that moment she decided not only to take that book with her, but she would also teach him a lesson. The most important one of all. 

That no one should mess with her.

She tried to think of something original. Quickly rejecting her first thought of kicking him in the balls. That would be indeed quite exaggerated and over-dramatic over a book. Instead, she went with her second thought and stepped on his foot as hard as she could.
He inhaled deeply, with one hand searching for a shelf to support himself, while the other grabbed his aching foot. It wasn't a severe pain, but it came so sudden that it simply took him aback. It was enough though to loosen his grip and letting the book slip from his fingers. The object falling to the ground, from where she picked it up. Facing him with a pitying look.
"I'm sorry, but what's mine is mine. I don't like cheating," she whispered to his face, biting down on her lip. "But I genuinely hope your foot will be okay. And again, I'm sorry. But you kinda forced me to do it."
With that, she quickly ran to the register, leaving him behind. The science aisle being unfortunately in the very back of the store. But maybe that was better as not many people went there, so no one had witnessed that little scene.

"You better be worth it," she whispered then, eyeing the silver cover of the book in her hands, "I just staked my reputation for you."


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