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To be honest, Cassandra hadn't been a too cautious person in her life. She got suspicious and didn't trust easily. However, when it came to emotional stuff she tended to be inattentive. Not that she easily trusted people, but she wasn't really cautious either. Having led to her getting her heart -or rather ego- broken more than once.

She knew Taehyung by now, but she was still confused. After all, she had only got to know him properly not long ago and before that, all she had known about him was that he was social and good in photography. And that was it.
Was she letting him get too close? Now that she thought about it, perhaps.
She had opened up about her interests, she had let him know about her wishes, she had trusted him to drive her around and she had shown him her attic.
She had pretty much already given away a tiny part of herself to him. A tiny, yet still relevant and important one.

However, he had opened up to her as well. Didn't he? He opened up about his own interests, he had let her listen to his music, he had told her about himself, he had shown her his little lake and that beautiful port village. He had trusted her to keep his little astronomical secret. So hadn't he given her a tiny part of himself, too?
She believed so. And that was why she did trust him.

But even so, she wanted to have a little bit of time for herself. She needed to think. After all, she had pretty much seen him every day these past days. Whether during lunch or when their classes ended at the same time and he had taken her home. It wasn't much, as both spent their afternoons with homework and studying for the upcoming exams in the next weeks. It was enough though to make him occupy almost each of her thoughts. 

Cassandra sighed. Looking up at the clear sky when leaving the college building that Friday afternoon. Classes were officially over. Two more weeks and her holidays finally started.
Putting on her headphones, she pressed play on her playlist. It consisted of all kinds of favourite tracks of hers, from the 50s to nowadays. She wasn't picky. If it sounded good, she liked it. Besides, that playlist always cheered her up and she needed that right now.
The wind was tangling her curls as she walked down the street. Her slightly boping her head along with the music, when suddenly feeling a pair of hands grabbing her shoulders and turning her around. She flinched, not expecting it. Only to find Taehyung's face in front of hers. He was frowning, staring at her for a second. She watched his lips moving, not understanding a word. He stared at her again, eventually breaking into a smile. Causing her to smile as well, confused.
He grabbed the wire of her headphones then, pulling it lightly to take them off her ears. "No wonder that you didn't hear me," he chuckled, "Damn, this is so loud!"
Cassandra laughed. She had told herself she needed to stay away from him for a bit, but now that he was there, she was happy about it. "Sorry," she giggled, pausing the music, "What did you want?"
His brows furrowed, him tilting his head. "What do you mean? I'm taking you home," he said, matter-of-factly.
She had him in front of her, with that huge t-shirt, looking so warm. All she could think of was getting on his car and listen to their music with him together. She contemplated again though. There was no way she could make up her mind and think of anything else other than him, if she let him take her home. "I don't think it'd be a good idea for me getting on a car right now," she started, being a good liar herself after all, "I didn't feel that well a few hours ago. I don't want to become car sick."
"Oh." He seemed concerned. "And how are you getting home?"
"The way I always got home before meeting you. I'll walk."
He remainned silent for awhile. Nodding then. "You think you'll feel better this afternoon?"
She shrugged. "I guess I will. It's not like I'm sick or anything."
Her reply making him visibly content as a smile tucked on his lips. "Good. Because I wanted to ask you if you could give me another astronomy lesson today. It's been a while.."
She smiled back. Yes, she said she needed a little time to think, but the afternoon would be enough for doing so. Besides, she could never say no to astronomy. And the fact he had come all by himself and asked her for that only excited her more. "Sure. What time?"
He thought for a moment. "Would 8 o'clock be okay? 'Cause me, Jimin and Hobi are going to the mall later."
She nodded.
"Good, see you then."
"Can't wait."
Taehyung grinned. "Me neither."

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