chapter 5🏡💕

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The next day I wake up, change clothes and hear a knock at the door. All of the girls are still sleeping, so I go open the door and see Jaden standing there with starbucks. I say "hey" he says "hey, I got you all starbucks I didn't know what you got so I got you a coffee and I got cream and sugar packets. I say "oh, thank you, come in" he walks in and sets the starbucks down on the counter and hands me mine and the sugar and cream.

 I say "thank you, you didn't have to" he says "well, I wanted to, and you consider it nice that I didn't just get you something, cause I started to, but then I was like well I should get the rest of them something" I laugh and say "well, I will consider that nice then" he laughs and smiles at me. 

I say "well, I normally get a vanilla iced coffee with one sugar and one cream, but you actually did really good, this is the same thing just not iced and no vanilla, but if I was home this would be what I would make with two sugars and two creams, or until I think I pour enough" he laughs and says "good"he looks into my eyes and I look into his. 

Then I hear Charli say "Jaden, what are you doing here" he says "uh I bought coffee for all of you" she says "oh, thanks" Avani says "hey, is anthony home" Jaden says "yeah" Avani says "okay, thanks for the coffee, I am going to go see Anthony" I say "okay" Jaden says "you're welcome" Charli and Avani grab their coffee and go to the boys house. Addison wakes up and says "where did Charli and Avani go" I say "the boys house" she says "okay, Jaden what are you doing here" he says "I brought coffee" she says "oh, thanks, I am going to go see Bryce, Stella you want to come" I say "no, go ahead" she says "okay" and looks at me and winks and I roll my eyes. 

Jaden says "do you want to sit down?" I say "yeah, grab my coffee and we both go and sit on the couch and I turn so I am facing him. He says "about last night, I am sorry if you were uncomfortable" I say "no, I wasn't, you don't have to apologize" he says "okay, I just really like you" I say "really". He says "yeah, how could I not, you are beautiful, kind, and a great person" I say "thank you" he says "so, I wanted to ask if we could start talking and then eventually date" I say "yes, we can, but just so you know I am gonna make you work for it" I smile. He smirks and says "oh, really" I say "yeah" and laugh. He says "well, in that case I better start working" I say "probably" he laughs and leans in and kisses me and picks me up and puts me on his lap. Eventually he picks me up and goes to my bed and lays me down. 

I pull away and say "I said you were going to work for it, this isn't making you work for it" and laugh. He lays beside me and says "the more reason for me to work hard" I laugh and say "so, I mean you being sweet, and taking me on little dates and stuff" he says "oh, I am going to take you on cute dates you couldn't even imagine" I say "really, I had a boyfriend take me to Paris before" he says "really" sounding shocked. 

I say "no" and start laughing. He laughs too. Then Charli walks in the house and says "Stella, where are you" I say "shoot uh, tell her you were helping me with something" he says "okay" we walk out of the room and I say "hey, Charli" she says "oh, what were you two doing" I say "he was helping me with something" she says "okay, we were going to see if you two wanted to go get some lunch" I say "I can't my car and the moving truck should be here in about 30 minutes and I have to be here" she says "okay, Jaden?" he says "no, I will stay here and help Stella" she says "okay, we will get you two something and bring it to you" we both say "okay". And Charli and the others leave.

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