Chapter 11🏡💕

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the next morning I wake up and go to the kitchen and fix two bowls of cereal and make coffee. Then I hear Jaden come in and he wraps his arms around me and says "good morning" I say "good morning" I turn around and hand him a bowl of cereal and he says "thanks". I say "it isn't bacon and pancakes but" he laughs and says "no, it is good". We sit down and eat and he says "oh, we are having a party at the boys, you should come" I say "okay" he says "okay, well I am going to help them set up, so I will see you later" I say "okay" he kisses me and then leaves. I text the girls.

Me: hey, are y'all going to the party at the boys tonight?

Avani: Yes

Addison: Me too

Charli: Yes!

Me: Okay, I am too

Addison: Okay, see you there!

Charli: See you

Avani: See you later!

I decided to go ahead and change and I wear this. 

I just lay around until about time to be at the party and I do my hair into a bun and pull some pieces out

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I just lay around until about time to be at the party and I do my hair into a bun and pull some pieces out. I do my makeup naturally and then grab my phone and put it in my back pocket and grab my purse. I walk over to the boys house and walk in and I see Jaden and go up to him. 

He says "hey" I say "hey" he says "you look cute" I say "thanks". Then Addison, Avani, and Charli walk up to me and say "Hey"I say "hey" Avani say "come on, let's go" I say "okay". They pull me to the pool and we sit down and talk for awhile. I go back in and go up to Jaden and he says "hey" I say "hey" he says "you look hot" I say "Jaden, have you been drinking" he says "maybe, why does it matter" I say "Jaden be quiet, you are being loud" he says "you be quiet" I say "Jaden" he says "shhh". 

I start to think about my dad and that this is one reason I moved. I get overwhelmed with memories that I say "whatever, Jaden, find me when you aren't drunk" I walk out and Anthony says "stella" I ignore him and keep walking. I get in my car and go to where Jaden took me on the first cute date we had.

Jaden's POV: stella says "whatever, jaden, find me when you aren't drunk" she walks out and Anthony says "Stella" but she keeps walking. Addison, Avani, Charli, and Bryce walk up to me and Bryce says "what did you say "I say "I don't know she got mad because I am drunk" Avani says "she moved here caused her dad is drunk all of the time" Anthony says "you have to go fix this" I say "okay, let's go to her house" we all go to her house and she isn't there and her car is gone. I say " I messed up, I lost her" Avani says "no, you didn't just make up with her" I say "but what if she doesn't want to" Addison says "she will" Charli says "yeah, don't worry". 

Bryce says "where would she be" Charli says "I don't know" Addison says "she is new here, she doesn't a lot of places yet" I say "I know" Anthony says "I'll drive" I say "okay" we get in his car and I say "the lake spot, that is where I took her on our first date" Anthony says "okay". We get there and I see her car and I get out and see her at the dock sitting down. I go up to her and say "Stella"

Back to normal POV: I am sitting on the dock, thinking and I hear "Stella" I turn around and see Jaden. I say "Jaden?" he says "i'm sorry, I shouldn't of got drunk" I say "well, you know that I don't like it, and I am upset with you, but I forgive you" he says "really" I say "yes, but don't ever get drunk again" he says "okay". We hug and get in my car and we go back to our houses. Anthony says "Jaden, I think you need to go sober up" I say "yeah, I am going to go, but go get some rest I will talk to you tomorrow". Jaden says "okay, bye" I say "bye, and Anthony thank you for driving him" he says "no, problem, bye" we all go in our houses.

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