Chapter Five | Hiding

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George watched as Dream left. He couldn't believe it. he would have never seen what Dream looked like if they didn't play together.

Why is he so strongly against people seeing his face?

George was feeling confused and unsure of what to do. He wanted to start streaming, but he couldn't mention that he was currently in Florida. He didn't want people think him and Dream could meet up.

George began his stream, I received many friendly messages like 'Hey, how are you doing?' which made him feel uncomfortable.

He didn't want to lie to his audience, but at the same time, he wasn't ready to share the truth with them either.

Things were going smoothly until Dream unexpectedly appeared in the stream's chat.

The viewers were excited to see him and started bombarding Dream with questions about why Dream wasn't on the server or in the call. Despite their persistence, Dream refused to provide any answers.

A user named DreamingOfDream, along with others, continued to pester Dream about it, making it a bigger issue. Eventually, Dream cited being too busy as the reason for Dream's absence, hoping to put the matter to rest.

The fans were persistent, and the situation escalated to the point where I requested Dream to join Team Speak. However, he declined, mentioning that he wasn't in the mood for it. Despite his refusal, the fans continued to pester us, and George found himself practically pleading with Dream to join the call.

Eventually, he joined the server but refused to join the call. George didn't understand why he was so unwilling to call.

"Dream, come on! If you can join the chat, you can join the call too," George said with a chuckle, hoping to ease the tension. However, in hindsight, he realized that something was amiss.

<Dream> I can't

"Sorry guys, Dream is being a pussy and won't join the call." George laughed in a joking manner, not thinking anything of it.

"Member joined"

"George, stop" Dream choked; the chat and I knew something was wrong.

"Member disconnected"

My chat instantly filled up with "Is Dream alright" "Is Dream okay?" "What's wrong, Dream?".

"Dream?" George asked, he had stopped talking in chat now. There was nothing but stillness to be heard.

George asked with concern, "Dream, the viewers seem worried about you...?" he tried not to let his apprehension show, but he couldn't keep worrying about the chat. After all, Dream was okay, wasn't he?

"Dream?" At this point, George was getting anxious.

"Member joined"

"George," he almost whispered, sounding shaky and weak. Instantly, the chat filled up with messages expressing worry and concern for him.

"Dream! Dream!" George begged, just hoping he would be alright. George had no clue what to do.

"George" Dream croaked, followed by a loud bang.

"DREAM!" George cried screaming, everyone in the chat was freaking out.

"Did he fall?"


"Is he okay?"

"What happened to Dream"

"DREAM!" George gasped, not being able to calm myself.

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