Chapter Eighteen | Lasts

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~Clay's P.O.V~

As soon as George was gone, I instantly broke down crying. I did not have enough time.

"Time to put back in your I.V we will be giving you sedatives now."

The voice spoke it was the girl.

"You know you don't have to sedate me, I won't hurt you. I allowed you to do it with no struggle?"

I knew it was somewhat useless.

"We have been asked not to interact"

The girl sighed.

"Do I at least get to know your name?"

I really wanted to know at least one of their names.

"I can't tell you my actual name, but my code name is Bird, It stupid I know, but it works."

She laughed.

"Bird why?"

"I mean you go by Dream, to be honest they are both pretty stupid."

She was not exactly wrong, Wait what? Dream is my code name? I have a code name.

"I have a code name?"

I asked very curious.

"Everyone here has a code name Dream... No one goes by their real name, most of us don't know each other's real name only the guy in charge knows everyone's."

She laughed, it is cool how they go by code names, but it also makes it a lot harder to figure out who they are.

"Then what is Mr. grumpy's code name?"

I hoped that she had some clue of who I was talking about.

"Oh, Lock, yeah he can be a bit extra.... He just works hard."

Honestly how do they come up with these code names?

"Am I allow to tell George or will you destroy my life if I tell him?"

I hoped that she would say yes, but I had no clue.

"I'll have to ask the Site Director."

Bird replied, I was left alone for a bit before she spoke again.

"You can tell him, but we still need to put back in the I.V and you're clearly stalling."

Before I was able to answer I was sedated; I was able to get to my bed before it kicked in fully.

I woke up of course my I.V was back in, maybe just maybe if I throw up. I cannot get this sucky food out of me, usually it is people who care about their body image that do not eat. I am just so used to not eating that it makes me feel funny to be eating, I am also so used to having George stop me from doing anything like this so now would be my chance. I knew they were watching, if I did it I would not be allowed to talk to George, but I felt horrible. Maybe if George were here, he would be able to prevent this.

"Bird? You there?"

I was not sure if she was going to answer but, I was going to try.

"Yeah, I'm here, what is it"

She finally spoke.

"I need to talk to George."

I begged, I knew it would more than likely be no, but I had to try didn't I?

"You know I can't do that...."

I could tell she was somewhat upset, it was a different change from Lock who seemed to not care about me, whatsoever.

"Please! I do not feel well, and I feel like I might do something I regret. It doesn't even have to be for thirty minutes, maybe like ten?"

I begged, I did not want to ruin anything for me or George. I knew if he did not help me I would pull out my I.V. or throw up all progress.

"I'll have to ask the Director; I can't make decisions like this myself."

I was trying so hard to control myself at this point, I was shaking.

"What's the issue Dream?"

The modified voice spoke, I knew it was the Director.

"I need to talk to George! Please sir!"

I continued to shake, rocking myself back and forth.

"We need a reason to let you talk to him, having a panic attack is not a valid reason."

He sounded pissed, more pissed then usual, to be completely honest.

"I'm going to take out my I.V or throw up, if you don't let me talk to him! I feel horrible!"

I begged crying; I could hear no mercy in the modified voice in which he spoke in.

"Fine. Because I feel like being nice, but you have ten minutes no more!"

He was pissed...

After a few minutes, the slot under my door opened. I rushed to it grabbing the phone, quickly calling George.


He instantly picked up, he was confused why I was calling him before the next day.

"George. I can't!"

I was struggling to breathe.

"Clay breathe, it's alright I'm here, I'm here"

He hushed me, I continued to cry trying to get my breath back. George was panicking.

"Shh Clay it's alright"

He continued to calm me until I was able to breathe again.

"I... I cannot take this anymore!"

I cried, continuing to rock myself back and forth.

"Yes, you can! You can do this Clay! We will get you out of this, you just have to hold on."

He hushed me but I could not calm down. I needed George to hold me as tight as possible, I needed the warmth radiating off his body. I needed his sent that I learned to love.

"George! I need you! I want you!"

I cried and cried, stopping was almost impossible.

"I know, I know but in order for you to see me again you have to tell me what is wrong, and you need to stay alive for me."

I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"I can't do this dang I.V! I can't do food; it is making me feel like crap! I just want to puke!"

I hated being like this to George, he was the only one who would understand.

"You can just pretend I'm there holding you so tight that you can't get away from me, just close your eyes Clay, just listen to my voice."

I decided to close my eyes as told.

"Clay listen to me okay, you need food to survive. I need you to survive, I can't live without you."

George sniffled holding back tears.

"You are amazing Clay, you make tons of people happy every day! The world wouldn't be the same without you!"

I could not help but to smile, I was in fact imagining George holding me and telling me all this.

"Thank you, George."

I wiped my tears, I still felt bad but better.

"Dream time is up, please put the phone back."

Bird ruined what I was about to say, I knew I was pushing it with the call. I said my goodbyes before hanging up and putting the phone back in the slot.

I knew if I had George everything would be okay.

But nothing good lasts....

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