4: The Gala

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"After we saw Amon take peoples bending away, I knew no one would be safe. His masked face haunted my nightmares and I kept feeling his grip on my head. Without my bending, I can't protect anyone. I didn't want to be the avatar, still don't. But I need my bending to protect the people I love. Without it, I'm nothing."

Ally woke up with a scream and sat up, her breath heaving. She pushed her hair out of her eyes as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She ran her fingers through her long hair, trying to slow her heart rate. It was early and the sun had just started to rise, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. She opened her closet, cringing at the creak of the metal hinges. She stuck her arms out and her police armor attached itself to her body, starting at her back, and flipping over her shoulders. It was one piece, like a chest plate, secured with a belt and metal arm cuffs. She pulled on her boots, letting the bottom retract so she wouldn't make any noise. She could feel the vibrations of her mother in the other room, and walked out of her apartment. 

She climbed up to the roof and sat on the flat tiles, watching the sunrise over the silhouette of her city. She couldn't get Amon's face out of her head, no matter how hard she tried, she kept seeing him like a shadow. She tried to distract her mind with work, but that night as she was listening to the radio, his voice returned. The Republic City council voted to make him the top enemy, and one of the council members, Tarrlok made a task force dedicated to take Amon down. Tarrlok was someone who craved power, and would do anything to get it, and to keep himself on top. Ally went to eat at Air Temple Island one night, and as they were saying grace, Tarrlok came in. He was a slender man with three ponytails that fell down his back. He was dressed in northern water tribe attire, more sophisticated and sharper than southern water tribe clothing. 

Ally had to stifle a groan as she looked at him, he was here for Korra to have her join his task force, she already knew it. And she was so glad no one except a select few knew she was the second avatar. A few days passed and the championship tournament for Pro Bending came along. Ally gave some of her money to Korra to help them get started, but it wasn't enough. Hiroshi Sato, the creator of the most used car in Republic City gave them the rest of they money they needed, thanks to Mako. Hiroshi's daughter, Asami, another one of Ally's friends, took Mako out on a date and introduced him to her father. They talked for a while, and Hiroshi agreed to sponsor them. 

"Ally," Lin said sharply. Ally, who was trying to take a nap fell out of bed and landed with a thump. She looked up at the upside down face of her scowling mother. "Get your butt up, kid, were going to a gala."

"What? Why?" Ally asked. 

"Councilman Tarrlok is throwing a gala in the Avatar's honor," Lin said, not looking too happy about that. "We've been invited. Me to protect, and you as a guest." The side of Ally's top lip curled in disgust, knowing exactly why she was invited. 

Tarrlok loved to talk about Ally and Lin, to the point where it was annoying. Lin had a green dress folded over her arm, which she handed to her daughter. Ally got up and looked at the dress with skepticism. When Lin left, she stepped into the dress and used metalbending to zip the back up. It was a floor length gown that was a bit low cut and had thin straps. There was a slit down the side of the dress so she could move a little easier, and it had a knife sheath. Beautiful, yet deadly, just like her. She walked out of her apartment where her mom was waiting in the car, she hopped in and a smile came to Lin's lips. 

She drove them to the gala, Korra was already there, surrounded by press and adoring fans. But when Ally walked in, the room went dead silent. They all stared at her as she walked into the room. Almost everyone in the city knew Ally as the granddaughter of the legendary Toph Beifong, and daughter of Lin Beifong. But as she walked in, they could see the resemblance was uncanny. She was wearing her hair up in a long braid that fell down her back. Two stands of hair fell past her ears and lay just below her shoulders. She raised an eyebrow at the gawking people, wondering what she could have done to make them stare like that. 

"Mom?" Ally murmured. 

"Hey!" Lin shouted. "Congrats, my kid looks like Toph, you don't have to stare at her like a circus animal. Get a grip!" A snarl furled her lips as she wrapped an arm around her daughter shoulders and led her away. 

"Oh! Chief Beifong!" Tarrlok called out. Lin walked over to the councilman, with Ally still close to her side. "I believe you've already met Korra."

"Oh yes," Lin scoffed. "Just because the city is throwing you this party, doesn't mean you're special. You haven't done anything to warrant the city's praise." She walked away, but Ally stayed to apologize. 

"I'm sorry, my mom can be harsh," Ally said. "You've done a lot more than she thinks. She's just a bit... stern. You're a wonderful person, don't let her words hurt you." She smiled, squeezed Korra's shoulder and walked away. She followed her mom to the front entrance of Tarrlok's house, where there were less people. 

"You alright, Alls?" Lin asked. 

"Why were they all staring at me, mom?" Ally inquired. 

"You look like , your grandma Toph," Lin explained. "She helped create this city, and you look eerily similar. I believe they thought you were Toph for a second." 

"I wish I could meet grandma Toph," Ally said softly. 

"Yeah, I wish you could too," Lin sighed. "It's been years since I've seen my mother. And honestly I don't want to see her. Last time we talked... she just makes me furious!" 

"I'm sorry, mom," Ally told Lin. She leaned up against her mother and placed her head on the police chiefs shoulder. "But you'll always have me." 

Lin smiled and kissed the top of Ally's head. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

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