9: Missing Avatar

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"I keep having these flashbacks, but they're not my memories. They're Aang's. I keep seeing flashes of memory, of my grandmother, Sokka, Aang, and I have absolutely no idea what it means. Except one gave sticks out, a crime boss from over 30 years ago, Yakon. But why is he coming to me? What does he have to do with anything?"

Ally sat in the corner of her jail cell, drawing what she saw in her visions. She used her finger to crush the metal around her and make detailed drawings of what she saw. She was in the middle of drawing Yakon's hair when the door burst open and Lin Beifong stood in the entryway.

"Mom!" Ally exclaimed. She got up and ran over to her mom, tears filling her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, it's okay," Lin murmured. "I heard what happened, you just lost control. It's okay, it happens."

"I hurt someone, mom," Ally whispered. 

"It's okay, sweetheart," Lin reassured her. "Now let's go get your friends." She busted everyone out but had to wait a second for Bolin who was using the restroom. 

"Hey," Ally said. 

"Korra's been captured," Lin explained. "We need to go rescue her." She stepped back to let everyone out, but put her index finger and thumb together, and dragged them up. Bolin turned severely red and instinctively covered himself. 

"Mom was just getting your fly," Ally laughed. 

"Thank you," Bolin replied. He was still very red in the cheeks. They all ran out of the station, but as they left, Ally clutched her head as flashes of memory shot through her mind. Aang, Toph, and Yakon. 

"Ally," Lin grabbed her daughters arm as Ally put her hands on her knees, panting. 

"I'm fine," Ally waved it away. "Let's go, we need to get to Air Temple Island." When they got there, Tenzin was flabbergasted. 

"Lin? Why are you here?" he stammered. "You're supposed to be resting at home. And you four are supposed to be at the police station, in JAIL!" 

"I figure you could use us to help find the Avatar," Lin suggested. "Any idea where she could be?" 

"Nothing," Tenzin sighed. "And her polar bear dog is gone too." 

"Underground would be a good place to start," Ally chimed in. "There's a whole maze of tunnels underneath the city." 

"That makes sense," Bolin said. "When I was in a chi blocker truck, it sounded like we were going through a tunnel!" 

"I know where to start!" Mako exclaimed. He ran out of Tenzin's office and led everyone to an alley. 

"I think this smells familiar," Bolin muttered. Lin motioned for Ally to come over and they slammed their feet into the ground to get a vibration. 

"There's a tunnel around here," Ally pointed in the general direction. "About 20 meters away." She led them down a canal to a barred entryway. Motorcycle tracks led into it, but none led out. Lin bent her knees and thrust her arms up, raising the metal gate. Lin led everyone into a large room that held four tunnels. Mako picked one and they went down there, holding fire in his hand to light the way. As they were walking, they heard the of tires and saw light flooding the tunnel. 

"Move!" Ally hissed. "Hide!" They all ducked behind a pillar, Lin shielding Ally behind her. They watched a secret door open up, and the chi blockers rode into it, the door swung closed behind them. Lin ran her hand along the metal and felt a wheel, she turned her hand, and the wheel turned with her. She swung the door up, and they ran inside. She led the way into a secret base that was run by a tram system, chi blockers and equalist's stocked their base full of supplies. 

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