49: The End

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"We got inside the suit, and now all hell is going to break loose. The outside may be platinum, but the inside isn't, and we can do a lot in here. So for Hiroshi, and for the city, let's destroy this thing once and for all. Let's kill this sucker." 

Lin, Su, and Ally went up to the arm to see if they could disable or destroy it, Mako and Bolin went to the engine to try and cut the power, Korra went after Kuvira. 

"Aunt Su, mom, disable the arm," Ally instructed. She jumped down to engage a metalbender shooting daggers at her family. She flipped an aerial and landed behind the guy, shoving him forward, he returned by punching her in the face. She cracked her knuckles and sent him flying into a wall, kicking the unfortunate soul unconscious. She jumped up and then had to dive out of the way as a blast of pink light erupted from the bottom of the weapon. 

"Nice job," Lin told her sister with a smirk, looking down to where the explosion happened. The three women started to destroy the weapon until Kuvira figured out what they were going and ripped the arm off. Ally smiled and stepped back as the arm was ripped away, she bent metal around her aunt and mom's bodies to make sure they didn't get hurt. 

"I love you, mom," Ally said. 

"Ally!" Lin yelled as she was thrown into a building. 

Ally smiled sadly and ran off to find Kuvira, and when she got there, Korra was already fighting her. Ally used a blast of fire to knock Kuvira into the control panel of her machine then Korra took her place. They switched off fighting her, each giving the other a chance to catch their breath. Ally took a deep breath and channeled her lightning, catching Kuvira in the leg. Then she stepped back as Korra jumped over her and took over. Ally let Korra take over this fight, but noticed something was wrong. The entire meca suit exploded and took half the city with it. Ally touched her cheek and felt a deep gash there, but she ignored it and helped Korra and Kuvira out of the rubble.

 Kuvira refused to surrender and she ran off towards the spirit wilds, Ally and Korra tan after her,  but she was badly hurt and wouldn't make it far. They went after her and found that she had taken control of her weapon, she fired at them, but Ally pushed Korra out of the way, taking the full blast. She blocked it and watched as the entire weapon malfunctioned and spun around, destroying everything in its path. Ally jumped in front of Kuvira and Korra and out her hands out her eyes glowing white. She bent the energy in the cannon so no one got hurt and let out a yell. Korra jumped up to help and there was a massive explosion that destroyed everything within a few miles. The dome from the explosion went out and then sucked back in, creating a beam of pure energy that shot up into the sky. A new spirit portal, in the heart of the city. Everyone started searching for Korra and Ally, but they were no where to be found. They were in the void, a place in the spirit world that was like floating in the water. Then they landed and Ally caught her friends before they fell. 

"You both ok?" She asked. Kuvira looked up at Ally and backed away, shocked. "Kuvira, relax, please."

"We're not dead... are we?" Kuvira asked. 

"No, we're in the spirit world," Korra replied. "Your weapon caused a new spirit portal to open up and we got blasted in here."

"Why did you save me?" Kuvira inquired, aiming the question at both women. 

"Were very similar," Korra chuckled. 

"No, we're not!" Kuvira yelled. 

"Really?" Ally chuckled. "Were all fierce independent women who want to succeed. And we don't always think things through." 

"I never wanted this to happen," Kuvira sunk to her knees. "You should have just surrendered!" 

"You brought this upon yourself," Korra sighed. 

"You were around, Su didn't want to lead, I stepped up!" Kuvira protested. 

"I get it, your parents abandoned you, Su took you in,"

"You don't get it, you and Alice are loved everywhere you go. I wanted to step up so my nation didn't have to go through what I did." Kuvira's eyes fillers with tears that dripped down her cheeks. 

"You didn't want to be vulnerable," Ally kneel down next to the young woman. "I wasn't an orphan, but my dad wasn't around,  and I was always afraid I wouldn't be enough for my mom, for anyone. Then I got poisoned, and I would have done anything to get back to the person I am today." Ally held out her hand and helped Kuvira to her feet, but the young woman couldn't stand. 

"I'm fine," Kuvira protested as Ally wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 

"Let me help," Ally murmured. She walked out of the portal with Kuvira and Korra, blood still dripping from her cheek. 

"Ally!" Lin exclaimed, running over to her daughter. "Oh I'm so glad you're ok!" 

"I'm fine," Ally laughed. 

The next few days passed and Varrick and Zhu Li got married. Ally was stitched up and had a scar to match her moms. She was still a bit hurt from the battle, so Lin helped her into a black blazer and white top. Then she put on some heels and they went to the wedding. Lin cleaned up pretty well, she looks stunning in a green turtleneck and blazer to match, her hair was even styled. Ally leaned up against her mother and smiled as Varrick and Zhu Li sealed their love with a kiss. Tears filled her eyes and she clapped, but Lin just smiled and held Ally close. After the wedding, the bride and groom danced and guests talked and ate. Ally looped her arm inside Lin's and chuckled. 

"Look at you, kid," Lin said with a smile. "You grew up so fast." The rest of the party went on and Asami and Korra decided to go on a vacation together, just by themselves into the spirit world. Ally walked them to the portal with a small grin. 

"Have fun, lovebirds," she laughed. Korra and Asami took each other's hand and walked into the portal, facing each other with true love in their eyes. After all these years, they finally reached their happy ending. Korra and Asami found love in each other, Lin and Ally ran the police station together, Mako and Wu helped to take down the monarchy of the earth kingdom, and Bolin was happy with Opal. Everything was finally okay, there were no more battles to fight. For the first time in 20 years, everything was at peace, and everyone was happy. 

The end.

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