Chapter 2 - I Need To Know

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I want you close to me
I want you close, I want you closer
But when you're here with me
It's hard to tell just what you're after

You say, you want all of me today
But tomorrow's not the same
My feelings never change
What do you want from me?
What do you want? Uh

I need to know
If this is mutual
Before I go
And get way too involved
I want you bad
Can you reciprocate?
No, I don't want to have to leave
But half of you is not enough for me

He couldn't believe he had said that. He had every intention of telling her he was quite capable of selling out his own headlining tour, he didn't need her clout, but instead all his feelings tumbled out like the contents of his bedside drawer, all his secrets and all the things he wanted to keep close and hidden. He was appalled and at the same time impressed with himself, that he had actually followed through on something he had practiced in his head a million times.

"Look, forget I said that, I'm just shocked to see you, it's brought back a lot of memories...."

"I never forgot either Shawn, that's why I'm here."

She reached out her hand and touched his and it was as though they had been transported back three years, every touch, every kiss, every moan and sigh. He could see her catch her breath and he was mesmerised by her lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad right now that he was shaking with it.

"I have to go back to my hotel." He stood up, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.

"Me too," she said awkwardly.

"Me too what?"

"I'm staying at the same hotel."

You have to be fucking kidding me.

"OK, lets walk back. It's quicker to go this way."

They walked side by side and at one point their swinging hands touched and she jumped to one side and he to the other, like they had been electrocuted. They walked into the lobby together, then to the bank of elevators. There was one waiting and they both got inside.

"What floor?" he asked.

"Sixteen," she said, looking straight ahead, her hands clasped in front of her.

Same floor.

She looked at him in surprise when he got out. They both turned in the same direction and as they neared their rooms, he realised that they were across the hall from each other. What were the odds of that?

He stood facing his door as she walked to her own. He waited to hear the electronic notes to indicate she'd opened her door, but nothing. He turned around and she was facing him, holding the card in her hand.

He walked over and took it from her, swiping it across the reader and pushing the door open, then handed her back the card. She didn't move, just took it, and stood staring at him.

"You can go in now," he heard his voice as if from afar.

"I know," she whispered. She looked confused, as if she didn't know which way to go, or why she needed to go anywhere.

"Camila, what do you want from me?"

"I don't know, I...."

He stepped forward so that they were mere inches apart. What was happening? What was he doing? He reached out and touched her arm, letting his hand slid down and entwine with hers and then she walked into her room, and he followed.


His hand was large and warm and firm in hers. She felt like her heart was beating right out of her chest as the door closed behind him. She was walking ahead, he was behind, holding her hand, but he stopped and pulled her toward him. She spun and found herself against his chest, staring up at him. He was taller now, as well as broader. He kept hold of her hand and with his other he held her face, then bent to kiss her.

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