Chapter 32 - Just Can't Hide The Truth

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I can try to stop it, all I like
Hands down, I've lost this fight
And I thought I was strong enough for you
But I just can't hide the truth

So I guess I'm going down
Like this

It was a cloudy morning and Camila looked out with concern. "Are you sure it won't rain?"

"No rain forecast. But a bit of cloud is good for the photos anyway, apparently." Her mother said as she straightened Sofi's dress. Aaliyah was taking her turn with the hair and make-up team and was almost ready, then they would get to work on Camila. She could see the lawn that overlooked the beach from this window and the little stage set up for the ceremony with an arch of flowers and chiffon. Chairs were set out in front of it. Downstairs, all the furniture had been moved out of the kitchen and family room that opened out onto the deck and that was where the reception would take place, with a delicious buffet. The pool was filled with floating blossoms and there were two long tables beautifully decorated for the guests. It was not a big wedding by any stretch, it was simple and beautiful and essentially she and Shawn. They had been involved in every tiny decision, much to the wedding planner's dismay.

"You're up next, Camila!" she was using her usual team, they knew her hair and how she liked her make-up.

"How we discussed guys, as natural as possible."

"You got it chicken," her hairdresser said as he got to work. Aaliyah was still there, watching.

"You look beautiful," Camila said to her sister-in-law-to-be with a smile. "Are you happy with it?"

"I feel like a princess," she said. "Maybe I can borrow them one day when I get married."

"Not too soon, you'll give your brother a heart attack!" Camila laughed.

"Well, you never know," Aaliyah said with a cheeky grin. "We've been together for a long time." She was referring to her boyfriend, who was outside helping Karen and Manny with some of the last minute arrangements.

"You could get married here if you like," Camila offered.

"Thank you, but I think if and when I get married, it will be at home." She referred to Pickering, or Toronto at least. "Are you happy Mila? It's taken you guys a long time to get here."

Camila met Aaliyah's eyes in the mirror. "So happy sweetie, so very happy."

Sofia came over and whistled at the results of the hair and make up team. "Aaliyah, sister you look fucking awesome!"

"Sofi!" both Camila and Sinu admonished her.

Sofi gave Camila a look. "Says Princess Potty Mouth over there! Anyway, she does look awesome!"

Aaliyah laughed. "Thank you! You do too."

"All the sisters today!" Sofi said, smiling. Camila didn't want a big wedding party, she just had the two sisters. Shawn just had Brian and Connor, and they had Zubin's youngest son as page boy and Taylor's little girl as flower girl.

As she finished getting ready, Sofi and Aaliyah gave a running commentary of who was arriving and being seated. Shawn's friends were acting as ushers for the day and their close friends and family were all invited, but that was all. There were some celebrity friends, but none just for the sake of it, no extended family they never ever saw, no friends of their parents or business associates. This was just them and the people they cared about.

Her mother and her stylist helped her to dress, not that it took much as it was a simple dress and she only wore a couple of white flowers in her hair. She and the girls all carried the same white flowers and sunflowers tied in a simple ribbon, white for Camila, pale blue for the girls, and bare feet.

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