Chapter 9 - You've Got A Hold On Me

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You've got a hold on me
Don't even know your power
I stand a hundred feet
But I fall when I'm around you

Show me an open door
And you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore

I'm saying baby

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart
Would you please have mercy, mercy on my heart

"We need to practice," she sniffed. "You have to learn all that Spanish."

"I've been practicing every day, I sing it in the shower, when I'm making breakfast, when I'm at the gym or walking I listen to it in my headset. You can test me out on it. Later."

"Later. But first..."

"You tell me."

"Have I told you how much I like that big fluffy rug in front of the fireplace?"

"It IS a little chilly today."

"It is."

He hit a button and the fake fire sprung up and the warmth along with it. He set the new playlist to shuffle.

"What is this?" she asked, looking over at the playlist name. "Songs to Fuck By?"

He blushed and she laughed, with a big hiccupping sniffle at the end. That was better. He slowly removed her boots and then the mini-dress she wore so that she stood wearing her silky black underwear, then he undressed himself down to his boxers. They knelt down on the flokati rug and kissed and touched each other, removing the last barriers and laying down together. It was bittersweet and he suddenly had an overwhelming feeling that this was goodbye, this really was the last time, and if it was he would make it something she would remember for ever. He started at her toes and kissed his way up her entire body, spending special time where he could give her the most pleasure, teasing her until she was begging him. She was sobbing and his heart twisted, because he knew it was because she realised it was a special time as well. Before he could go further, she pushed him gently onto his back and she returned the favour, kissing and caressing him from top to toe. Was she doing the same as he and trying to memorise every inch? He could see where this was going and he let her take control, holding her hips and staring up at her, as she stared down at him, watching her move at a pace that gave her the most pleasure. Anything that felt good to her was automatically good for him, it drove him crazy to see her this way, it took everything he had not to finish too soon, but he wanted her to take what she wanted from him first, and she did. She gripped his hands, squeezing tight, as she shuddered, and he finally erupted, exploding into her, as she fell forward, gleaming with sweat, her breath coming in gasps. He held her close, not wanting to let her go. He didn't know how they would do their rehearsal now.

They showered together, but didn't do any more than kiss and help each other wash and then afterwards dry. They barely spoke, unwilling to break the mood. Clean and dressed, they sat side by side and he brought out his guitar and they practiced. She was genuinely impressed with his Spanish, he had practiced it so hard and he was quite chuffed. She made a couple of small suggestions and they actually ended up working hard and were so deeply into it they didn't hear the door at first. They were recording their practice session on their phones so they could practice at home, and he turned his off and went to answer the door.

Sinu stood there and he smiled. Thank goodness she hadn't come earlier.
"Hi, come in!" he said, opening the door. "Camila, your Mom is here."


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