Chapter 24 - Some Things That Never Change

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Locked in the hotel
There's just some things that never change
You say, "We're just friends."
But friends don't know the way you taste-la-la-la
'Cause you know it's been a long time comin'
Don't you let me fall, oh

Oh, when your lips undress me
Hooked on your tongue
Ooh, love, your kiss is deadly
Don't stop

I love it when you call me Señorita
I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya
But every touch is ooh-la-la-la
It's true la-la-la
Ooh I should be running
Ooh you know I love it

The song was finished. Both he and Camila had to go into the studio and record a few things but they did so independently, the rest was up to production and when he heard the final cut he was impressed. Now there was something else to worry about. Andrew had asked Dave Meyers to direct the music video and he and Camila had both spoken to him and now he had a script and a concept. It required a little dancing and so there was rehearsal required. He had no idea what it was, he hoped they didn't expect too much from him, but it meant spending a day or two dancing with Camila. So there would be touching, but hopefully not much. He hoped it wasn't too difficult. The bad news came when the day before, he spoke to Sara the choreographer who he knew from touring with Camila, and she mentioned Dave's idea was based on the movie "Dirty Dancing".

"Does Camila know that?"

"Um, I don't know? She knows there's dancing, we haven't spoken about the details." He wondered if they talked about him, and their relationship, and what she knew. It felt awkward, but she treated him just like normal so whatever she had been told didn't seem to be effecting how she felt about him. He turned up the first day and found Camila already there, and that's when the nightmare began.

"Hi," he said, giving her a small smile. She looked cute, but still a bit reticent.

"Hi," she replied shyly. Sara looked at them with exasperation. She must have been wondering how the heck she was going to get them to dance like she planned, so she split them up and she taught Shawn and Calvit taught Camila. It was way sexier than he had expected, in the dirty dancing style, and he was sweating thinking of doing it with Camila, but as it turned out, it was a logistical problem that required it to change.

"It's not going to work," Sara said to Calvit. "I think the height difference will make it look strange. We need to try something else." While they worked on it, he and Camila went and sat in the waiting space where there were sofas and tables and tea and coffee. Sinu was avoiding him like the plague, and he felt awkward around her too, because he knew part of the reason he had been kept away from Camila at the start was a misunderstanding between she, the psychologist and Camila, who apparently had wanted to see him. He held nothing against her, it had been a crazy time, with everyone trying to do the best for Camila but nobody really knowing what that was.

He sat opposite Camila who was scrolling through her phone with deathly determination, obviously avoiding speaking to him. Nobody could hear them but he spoke quietly anyway.

"Mila, we can't ignore each other, we're going to have to dance in this video."

"I know," she said, putting her phone down with a big sigh.

"We want this to be a success, the song is incredible, let's just forget everything, forget Shawn and Camila and just be the characters in the song."

She looked at him gratefully. "OK, let's do that."

When they returned, Sara had decided to introduce them to scream therapy to help them relax and it did help, and they smiled big smiles at each other, until Sara showed them the new dance. It required a lot of touching, caressing, looking at each other with steamy expressions and then the worst part, he had to pick her up and press her against the wall, they would have a moment and then she would slide ever so slowly down to her feet.

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