Chapter 10 - Tu Corazón Alcanzaré

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Shawn was nervous. After all his performances including the huge crowds at Taylor Swift's shows, it didn't get any easier. He was on first in the second half, he would do his little set of four songs, then Camila would come out and do her four, then he would join her for their two songs. He walked on stage and the crowd roared. He felt his heart lift. He played one of his original singles, his current hit, and two other songs from his EP. The audience knew all the words, he couldn't believe it, and they sang along, and he was swept away. He wished he could sing all night and with a thrill realised he would be doing a full set soon enough when he and Camila went on their tour.

The joint tour had been announced on Wednesday. Originally they were going to do some promo before the Ball but their management decided to let the performances speak for themselves. They had a week full of promo ahead before breaking for Christmas.

He stood backstage and watched Camila and her dancers take up their starting positions in the dark and then the beat dropped and the spotlights came on and she was this different person. She strode down the stage in her heels and red patent leather, and if he had never seen her before, he would have fallen in love with her on the spot. Her talent was undeniable, and her voice sent shivers down his spine. She sang her four songs, two upbeat, one slower and one ballad. The words hit him in the heart. He cheered loudly and then when she finished she stood at the mic.

"Thank you so much! Now you may have heard that I have a partner when I go on tour next year?" The audience cheered loudly. "How about I bring him out here and we sing a couple of songs together for you?" Even louder cheers. They were starting off with their Christmas song, and they stood together with him on his guitar and she watching him.

He had based the arrangement on one performed by fellow Canadian Michael Buble and Mexican singer Thalia on his 2011 Christmas album, but he had personalised it a bit for he and Camila.

He started playing guitar and then sang the first few lines of the first verse, then Camila sang the next couple before he joined in again. He felt relief when she smiled at him to let him know he got the Spanish right.

A donde sea que yo esté
Tu corazón alcanzaré
Y una sonrisa en tu mirada pintaré

No habrá distancia entre los dos
Al viento volaré mi voz
Con mis deseos a tu alma llegaré

When they had first decided to do this song, he had asked Camila to translate it for him. She had blushed, saying each line in Spanish in her beautiful voice, then the translation. It had been a moment when time had stopped around them, when they had stood on the edge of something but then never jumped off.

I will reach your heart

And a smile in your gaze I will paint

There will be no distance between the two

I will blow my voice to the wind

With my wishes, I will reach your soul

He felt her words in his very core, but then, as always they had buried the emotion with lust, slaking the thirst for love with the joining of their bodies. It had been intense, and another of those moments they never spoke about. Here, in front of this crowd and a television audience, he felt like he was laying himself bare again. The next part was the chorus, it was upbeat and Christmassy and he pulled himself back into the mood of the night and left his aching heart behind.

Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad

Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad, próspero año y Felicidad

He played a short guitar solo then he sang the English words and she sang the Spanish, and then they sang together.

I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas (Celebremos juntos la vida)
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas (Y que viva la alegría)
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
From the bottom of my heart

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