Chapter 5 - I Wanna Love You With The Lights On

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I wanna love you with the lights on
Keep you up all night long
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on
Hold you 'til the night's gone
Darling, I wanna see every inch of you
I get lost in the way you move
I wanna love you with the lights on

His apartment seemed empty for some reason. After the gym, he had come home and had a shower and then made a stirfry for dinner. It was too early for bed so he started playing a new video game to wear his brain out and keep him distracted. If he went to bed too early he'd just lay there and think of Camila.

He finished his game and took his dishes into the kitchen and when he came out he heard a knock at the door. He looked through the peephole and then opened the door. She came in and launched herself at him, kissing him hard and thoroughly. He grabbed hold of her and pushed her against the door, kissing her back hungrily.

"Just tonight, and then that's it." She said in between kisses.

"Yes, this is the last time, then it's over." He slid her jacket off and kissed her shoulder then he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him, and he carried her up the stairs.

He'd been five minutes from going over to her house. She just beat him to it.


You would think she'd have a turtle neck somewhere in this mountain of clothes, but no. She was going to have to wear a scarf, how cliché. They were all meeting today at Roger's office, she, Shawn and Andrew and their teams, to nut out the details of the tour. Shawn had thought meeting alone first they could sort out what had happened in Toronto and avoid any obvious awkwardness their management might pick up on. Of course, now it would be even worse. They could barely keep their hands off each other, they couldn't stay away from each other in fact, and now they were going to be in the same room, remembering what he did to her on the stairs last night, and in the kitchen this morning. There was barely a room or surface in his apartment now that they hadn't had sex on. She giggled at the thought of him entertaining guests, thinking to himself if only they knew what had happened on that countertop or the bathroom vanity. And she was nervous about the tour. They had promised this morning that it would be the last time. He had made slow, sweet love to her in his bed, as if it was a goodbye but she was pretty sure neither of them believed it for a second.

She arrived at the office and made her way up in the elevator feeling incredibly nervous. She could hear his voice when she walked toward the room and steeled herself for the encounter. She was wearing a pant suit of wide-legged pants and a long wrap jacket in reds and oranges, a red scarf around her neck, her hair up, her hoops in, her heels on. She was wearing all her armour today and she entered with a waft of expensive perfume. They were all standing around the window drinking tea and coffee. She hugged Roger and Gian and even Andrew who she had met in Shawn's early days and the she found herself in front of Shawn.

"Hi," she said with a cool smile, trying to appear nonchalant. They reached in for a hug and it was ridiculously awkward, with him patting her on the back and she air kissing his cheek. He was wearing a shirt and a sweater with a collar but she could see he had covered the lovebites on his neck with makeup. She hid a smile but they made eye contact at an angle no one could see and his eyes were twinkling as he noticed her scarf. She pulled back quickly and sat down on one of the big couches, and so did the others.

They kept it professional as they talked through logistics including their band requirements, sound, lighting, backstage accommodations, merchandise stands. A lot of it she probably didn't need to be there for although she liked to be involved in all parts of her business, and she and Shawn both made suggestions. And once they both said the exact same thing at the same time and burst out laughing and then noticed everyone looking a little startled and they both became immediately serious and ignored each other for the rest of the meeting. She stood up and hugged Andrew and Shawn when they were leaving. He gave her another awkward, distant hug but snuck his hand in between them and stroked her breast, making her jump. Cheeky bastard!

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