Chapter 30 - Big Plans

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Where do we go? We don't know
Follow the wind where it blows
Let's make mistakes and don't look back, it's now or never

One of those nights we felt invincible
And every glass was full,
One of those nights
One of those nights, dancing in the stars
Thought that the world was ours,
One of those nights

We're young, living with no fear
Kids running wild, girls crying drunk tears
We don't have this time for long
Yeah, we make big plans, spending all our change
Caught up in the night, oh we missed the last train
It's our time and we're leaving home

"Have you got everything?" he asked, looking at her suitcase. They had agreed one each, but they were both struggling. Guitars didn't count of course, and they had one each of those. If they decided to stay anywhere for an extended period, they had arranged for Andrew to send over things they needed.

"I've got everything I need," she said, smiling at him. He hadn't thought she could just do one suitcase, but she was glad to see she had surprised him. "What time does our ride to the airport get here?"

Shawn looked at his phone. "Ten minutes."

She looked around at their home, her house in Los Angeles. It was different now, with his things in it as well. It made her so happy.

"Damn, not enough time." She looked at him with a wicked grin and he laughed.

"You're an evil woman," he reached over and kissed her lingeringly on the lips.

"So first stop, Athens, then we finally get to do that cruise. I can't wait!"

"Me either, and then where are we going again?"

"Italy!" He already knew, of course. She was dying to see more of it. They were going to hire a car and drive around. They'd love to do the train, but were too well known there. She had arranged through a friend to rent their villa in Tuscany, and another one recommended places in Positano, Puglia and the Cinque Terre, so they were going there as well as the major cities. After that they would decide as they went along.

"I wish I was as disciplined as Ed, I just can't do the no-phone thing, and we can't leave our fans with absolutely nothing for all this time."

"No posting until after we've been somewhere though, OK?"

"Deal," she grinned. "I can't believe we're doing this!"

"We deserve it, the last few years have been intense."

"Oh, that's our car! Let's go!" She took one last look at their house and walked out the door.


Shawn set the tray with two cups of coffee, and two plates with eggs and bread and a bowl of fresh fruit, then carried it up the narrow old stairs of the centuries old farmhouse to the bedroom that overlooked the Tuscan valley. Camila was sitting up in bed wearing a thin nightgown, with her glasses perched on her nose, reading another book. She was so adorable.

"Here you go Signorina," he said, placing it over her lap.

"Grazie," she said.

"Prego," he replied.

"This looks amazing, are these eggs from the chickens?"

"Most eggs come from chickens," he said.

"Only most?" He shook his head wryly.

"Well, other birds lay eggs too. And lizards."

"Obviously this isn't a lizard egg. Is it?"

He laughed.

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