Chapter 27. - The Both Of Us

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Sunrise with you on my chest
No blinds in the place where I live
Daybreak open your eyes
'Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night
Still, we're changing our minds here
Be yours, be my dear
So close with you on my lips
Touch noses, feeling your breath
Push your heart and pull away, yeah
Be my summer in a winter day love
I can't see one thing wrong
Between the both of us
Be mine, be mine, yeah
Anytime, anytime

He had missed sleeping with her, and they did actually get some sleep. He missed showering with her too, that had not quite been all showering. Then they had breakfast, and well, that had not been just breakfast. Before they knew it, it was early afternoon. Camila's Mom was nagging her to come home, she was heading back to Miami the next morning and wanted to see her. It was hard to let her go but he drove her home and said goodbye to Sinu too, promising to look after Camila while she was gone. She texted him during the day, just to say hi, and sometimes to be a bit naughty. Connor came back, but only for the night, he had made plans with some friends to head to Cabo for a few days, and he seemed excited about it, but Shawn was pretty sure he was doing it so that he and Camila had time together. He was a good friend.

He met Camila at the studio for the photo shoot and the interview turned out to be one where they interviewed each other. It was fun, but also fraught with fear as they tried to avoid giving away the depth of their relationship. In the end, they kept it pretty light and fluffy and funny and the magazine was happy. The photos were not as good as they could have been because they felt awkward, but once again the magazine was happy, they had their front cover.

With that over, they went their separate ways and he grabbed his bag and headed to Camila's. The next few weeks they travelled back and forth between their two homes. They still followed their normal routines, Camila did her vocal, dance and acting classes, went to yoga and met friends for shopping and lunch. Shawn went to the gym every day, had his vocal lesson, worked on his guitar, piano and wrote music. He was teaching her to play guitar again, she had reached a certain point and never progressed and he was helping her, the same with piano. She was teaching him Spanish, a bit more than he had picked up on the telenovelas. They drove to deserted beaches and walked and when it got warmer they even swam. They found little towns where no one knew them and ate dinner or lunch or went to the movies. And every night they slept curled up in bed together, where they belonged.

They began teasing the fans with the music video and aesthetics for the song in the week before release and then they went online together from their own homes the night it dropped. It was hilarious because they couldn't get the FaceTime to work the way they wanted, but they got there in the end and the internet went crazy. After their FaceTime, he drove to her place and they watched YouTube and Twitter and Instagram blow up as their fans and the public at large collectively squealed and fell in love with the song, the music video and them.

And that's when life changed. Now the paparazzi were camped outside their doors. They couldn't stay at each other's place unless they went official. They decided to do it on 4th July as they had a party to go to, and she went as his date. They held hands a little, but it was awkward, they weren't used to showing affection in public, but the photos were OK and the next weekend they went to San Francisco.

The photos and the video when they came out pretty much announced to the world that they were together. They held hands, went walking, kissed. They knew people were watching but they didn't care, it had to happen sooner or later. They stayed off social media all weekend, they didn't pose for any photos at all and just had as nice and normal a weekend as they could, despite the interest from the general public. After two nights, they boarded a flight to Toronto. They were going to visit Shawn's family, but first they were having a few nights in the city. Shawn had bought an apartment there and she hadn't been there yet, he wanted to show it to her. It was evening when they arrived and the city lay at their feet, painted in lights.

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