Chapter 7 - Kiss Me Like You Wanna Be Loved

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Shawn took an Uber to Camila's so he didn't have to worry about parking his car or driving in case he had a drink. He had bought flowers for both Camila and her Mom, he hoped that would be acceptable, he had been taught never to turn up empty handed. He knocked on the door and a young girl answered. It had been three years but he remembered Sofi. He was about to ask her if she remembered him, when she flung her arms around his waist and hugged him.


"Hey you remember me?"

"She's a big fan," Camila said, walking in behind her. He felt his mouth go dry. She looked incredible in a cute yellow sundress, her hair in a high pony tail and heeled sandals on her feet. He handed her the flowers over Sofi's head.

"Here, these are for you," he said, smiling. They were yellow, like the dress she'd shown him she would be wearing. He whipped one yellow rose out as she took a deep sniff of them, and bending down he gave it to Sofi.

"And one for you, Senorita!"

Sofi laughed and ran off and he leaned in to Camila and gave her a loose hug and a lingering kiss on the cheek.

"Come outside the others are here," she said.

He followed her out and she raised her voice and called "Look who's here everybody!" and they all turned to face him. He shook hands with Roger and Gian who he had already met, and then was greeted warmly by Sinu and Ale who both remembered him from the early days. He hadn't met the others, but Camila introduced him and he stayed and chatted to them. He saw her go into the kitchen and managed to sneak away but when he got there he saw that Sinu was already there, and Roger was coming in right behind him. He was holding an empty plate as his excuse to be there and he put it on the counter.

"Mila, could you get me some glasses please?" her mother asked. She had her arms full with things from the fridge so he went and retrieved the glasses, putting them on the bench then taking some of the items from Camila which she passed to him one at a time. When they turned back around, Sinu and Roger were both staring at them.

"Here you go, could you take those out please?" she passed a platter of barbecue items to he and Roger and they walked out together.

"So you and Camila have been rehearsing the songs for the Jingle Ball and a duet, when will we get to see it?"

"Uh, I'm not sure, I guess you'd better ask Camila," Shawn said with a smile.

"I don't know Shawn, you two seem pretty close, I'm sure you know the answer," Roger said, stopping before they went back outside. Shawn stared at him, feeling uncomfortable.

"I don't know what you mean, we've spent a few hours together working on music...."

Roger laughed. "So that's the line you're going with?" he shook his head opened the door for Shawn to go ahead of him. "OK then, whatever you say."


Camila watched Shawn walk out with Roger, feeling a bit frazzled and enjoying the view of him walking away, thinking how cute his ass looked in those jeans.

"So, are you going to tell me what's going on with Shawn?"

She jumped, startled. "What?"

"Shawn, you too seem very....familiar with each other for two people who hardly know each other."

"He's a nice guy, I liked him when he was a kid, and we get along really great now. The tour is going to be good, I think."

"Mmmmm," Sinu looked unconvinced. "How often has he been here?"

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